12th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 2020, Thursday 20 February 2020 at the Embassy of Austria, Tokyo.
12th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum Tokyo 202012th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum Tokyo 2020. Speakers: Masaki Ogata (Vice-Chairman JR-East Railway Company), Hiromitsu Nakauchi (Professor at Stanford University and Tokyo University), Gerhard Fasol (Creator and Chair, Ludwig Boltzmann Forum), Masashi Yanagisawa (Professor Tsukuba University and Director of the International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine), Satoshi Nagata (NTT DOCOMO Inc., 3GPP TSG-RAN Vice-Chairman) (from left to right)
click on links below to read summaries of keynote talks and see photographs
Welcome by the Ambassador of Austria, Hubert Heiss.
Masaki Ogata, East Japan Railway Company, Board Director and Vice-Chairman, Executive Vice-President of Technology & Overseas Related Affairs “Open Innovation and MaaS of JR East”
Gerhard Fasol: today’s agenda. Entropy, information and Ludwig Boltzmann – and Japan’s economic growth, 12th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, 20 February 2020
Gerhard Fasol, CEO , Eurotechnology Japan KK. Guest Professor, Kyushu University, former faculty Cambridge University, and Trinity College, and Tokyo University
Purpose of the Ludwig Boltzmann Forum
Leadership Forum based on logic, science and technology.
Create impact and change
Contribute to solutions of important issues which make a difference to our lives
“Superstar leaders” as keynote speakers
Today’s program:
Increased economic growth from increasing international cooperation between Japan and Europe, eg in the fields of railways, sleep, genetics, 5G and 6G communications, in research and business
Governance and management of companies – growth of companies must improve for economic growth and to pay for the costs of an aging society
Research, development, and Universities are key for economic growth – they must improve to recover economic growth. We can learn from Ludwig Boltzmann
Some of Japan’s top issues and opportunities
Japan’s economy stopped growing in 2000. A new business model is needed for Japan. Japan has many fantastic technologies, products, business models with big opportunities for global value creation.
Aging society.
University reform is urgently necessary in order to restart growth.
Company management and supervision reform is urgently necessary. About 1/2 of TOPIX companies have market capitalization lower than book value, and too many Japanese companies have no growth and no profits since 2000, and no growth of market capitalization/company value since 2000.
Some results which might areas from today’s conference
Safety is top priority for JR-East and sleep of managers and driving staff is a primary factor for safety and accident prevention. Today we have the leader of JR-East, and a top global leader in sleep science, maybe today’s conference can lead to cooperation, joint research or development with JR-East on sleep and safety.
5G and 6G communications will impact all areas of society, how can society influence the development of 5G and 6G services and ecosystems. Society and 5G/6G ecosystems evolve in sync.
We are at the start of a novel virus crisis, how will an epidemic affect mobility, communications, sleep, medicine.
Ear Nose and Throat specialist, laryngologist, rhino laryngologist 耳鼻咽喉専門医
Professor and Director of the Ortorhinolaryngological University Clinic at Vienna University. Ottokar Chiari performed the first transbronchial operation, introducing minimal-invasive surgery.
He founded the Ear-Nose-Throat Clinic (Ortorhinolaryngological University Clinic) at the University of Vienna, the first Ear-Nose-Throat (Ortorhinolaryngological University Clinic) worldwide, of which he was appointed Director (Leiter der Laryngoloischen Abteilung der Allgemeinen Krankenhauses) from 1900 and Chair Professor (ordentlicher Professor) from 1912.
Ottokar Chiari was appointed the personal medical doctor of Emperor Franz-Joseph, and was elevated to the status of “Freiherr” in 1917.
Ottokar Chiari (Ottokar Freiherr von Chiari) is the son of Johann Baptist Chiari. His daughter Paul Chiari married the son of Ludwig Boltzmann, and is my (Gerhard Fasol’s) grandmother.
Karl Chiari is the son of Richard Chiari (1882-1929), Director of the Linz General Hospital (Allgemeines Krankenhaus Linz). Karl Chiari is the founder of orthopedics in Vienna, he was the first head of the new Department of Orthopaedics at the University Hospital Vienna.
Karl Chiari pioneered many new modern therapies and surgery methods in the field of Orthopaedics. He pioneered therapies and treatments in the fields of Scoliosis (a medical condition where a patient’s spine is curved sideways), bone tumors, orthopaedic rheumatology, knee entroprothetic, hip endoprotethic, and operations to correct hip dysplasia.
In 1967, Karl Chiari became Chair Professor (ordentlicher Professor), and since 1962 he was the first Director of the Orthopaedic Clinic at the Vienna University Hospital., which spun out from the 1. Surgical University Clinic at the University of Vienna. He was Director of the Orthopaedic Clinic for 20 years.
As children we used to ski together with Karl Chiari’s family, and at the age of 6 years I (Gerhard Fasol) broke my leg while skiing together with Karl Chiari and his children. Back in the farm house pension where we all stayed, Karl Chiari adjusted my broken bones with his hands, and put my legs in plaster, which he always had with him. Later in his Clinic in Vienna, he x-rayed my broken leg, made more adjustments, put on a proper longer time plaster, and oversaw my leg until it was properly healed.
We use Ludwig Boltzmann’s results and tools every day
as examples
S = k log W – linking macroscopic entropy to statistics of molecules > information theory: Shannon entropy
Boltzmann transport equations > optimal transport
Definition of Kelvin, Celsius directly linked to Boltzmann constant
Stefan-Boltzmann radiation law
statistical mechanics and Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics
Philosophy of nature: is the space we live in curved? How can we determine the curvature of our space? Using philosophy – or using the tools of physics and mathematics?
Ludwig Boltzmann was several times proposed for the Nobel Prize 1903, 1905 and three times in 1906 – the year he passed away.
Ludwig Boltzmann started young
1865, at the of age of 21 years he published his first scientific work: “Über die Bewegung der Elektrizität in krummen Flächen” (Electricity on curved surfaces).
About 20% of Boltzmann’s publications were in the field of electro-magnetism. 1861-1862 James Clerk Maxwell had created the foundations of modern electro-magnetism with Maxwell’s equations.
Linking the initially macroscopic 2nd law of thermodynamics to the statistical mechanics of atoms and molecules governed by Newton’s laws
1866 at the age of 22 years Ludwig Boltzmann published one of his most important works in a field he created and worked on for all his life: “Über die mechanische Bedeutung des zweiten Hauptsatzes der Wärmetheorie” (About the mechanical meaning of the second law of thermodynamics).
As a reminder: the 2nd law of thermodynamics says that an isolated system spontaneously evolves to the state of greatest entropy. The 2nd law of thermodynamics was first formulated by Sadi Carnot in 1824 as part of the efforts to optimize steam engines and is also known as Carnot’s theorem.
Boltzmann linked this initially macroscopic law to the statistical mechanics of atoms and molecules governed by Newton’s laws at a time when the existence of atoms was not yet generally accepted.
Boltzmann’s dilemma: how can time-reversible Newton’s laws at the microscale lead to the time-irreversible 2nd law of thermodynamics
Newton laws govern the microscopic collisions and motion of atoms and molecules in gases and are completely time reversible. Processes we observe macroscopically, e.g. a gas escaping from a pressure vessel, are time irreversible. This dilemma, how Newton’s reversible laws governing the microscopic motion can lead to irreversible processes on the macroscopic scale, occupied Boltzmann’s mind and work his whole life long. Boltzmann’s answers depend on the realization that the 2nd law of thermodynamics cannot be explained by Newton’s laws of mechanics alone, but the mathematical tools of statistical mechanics are required, many of which Boltzmann created.
Boltzmann’s path through life: starting young – and global
1865 (age 21) first publication “Electricity on curved surfaces”
1869-1873 (age 25) Full Professor, Mathematical Physics, University of Graz
1873-1876 (age 29) Full Professor, Mathematics, University of Vienna
1875 (age 31) declined offer of Professorship in Zürich and Freiburg (Germany)
1876-1890 (age 32) marriage, Full Professor for Experimental Physics and Head of the Institute of Physics, University of Graz
1887-1888 (age 43-44) Rector (President), University Graz
1888 (age 44) March: Professor in Berlin, June: resigned from Professor position
1890 (age 46) Professor in München (one of his students was Nagaoka Hantaro, who later became the first President of Osaka University, and created a model of the atom)
1892 attended 300 year celebrations of Trinity College Dublin
1894 visit to Oxford University
1894-1990 (age 50) Professor, University of Vienna
1895 attending Naturforscherversammlung in Lübeck
20 June – 2 August 1889 (age 55) first trip to the USA: Clark University, Worcester MA, Boston, Montreal
1900-1902 (age 56) Professor of Theoretical Physics in Leipzig
1902-1906 (age 58) Professor of Theoretical Physics at University Vienna
Trips to Göttingen, Kassel, Southport Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science and to Paris.
1903/1904 Vorlesungen über Naturphilosophie (Lectures on philosophy of nature)
21 August – 8 October 1904 second trip to the USA to attend St Louis World Fair and Congress “Physics for a new century”, Detroit, Chicago, Washington DC
11 June – 3 August 1905 third trip to the USA: Lectures at the University of California Berkeley and at Stanford University
What can we learn from Ludwig Boltzmann?
Empower young people, recognize and support talent early
LB published first scientific work at age 21
Full Professor at 25
Head of Department at 32
President of University at 43
Talent is not linear – talent is exponential
Move around the world. Connect. Interact.
Empower women (LB promoted many women)
Don’t accept authority for authority’s sake
Science/physics issues need to be treated with the methods of physics/science
No dogmas
Support entrepreneurs (LB supported airplane developers before airplanes existed)
Summary: understanding and learning from Ludwig Boltzmann
Boltzmann’s results are a big part of our understanding of the world and the universe
His mathematical tools are used every day by today’s engineers, bankers, IT people, physicists…
LB stood up for his ideas and conclusions and did not accept scientific authorities for authorities’ sake
12th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, 20 February 202012th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, 20 February 202012th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, 20 February 202012th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, 20 February 2020
Masaki Ogata: Open Innovation and MaaS of JR East, 12th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, 20 February 2020
Masaki Ogata
East Japan Railway Company, Board Director and Vice-Chairman, Executive Vice President of Technology & Overseas Related Affairs
Honorary President, UITP (International Association of Public Transport)
Member of Council for Science and Technology, Chairperson of Subdivision on Professional Engineers, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Japan
Chairman & CEO, Japan Institute of IT
Chairman Tohoku Tourism Promotion Organization
Director Tohoku Electric Power Company Inc.
Summary: Open Innovation and MaaS of JR East
With 17.9 million passengers/day, 12,209 trains/day on a network of 7402 km, JR-East is one of the largest railway companies in the world. JR-East is a fully integrated group including ownership, manufacture and maintenance of rolling stock, infrastructure including track, stations and real-estate, trains and buses, and life-style business, and one of the first and most advanced fin-tech systems globally: electronic payment systems and electronic money.
JR-East receives no government subsidies, and had no fare or charge increases for 33 years (except for increases in the consumption tax).
JR-East is constantly innovating, developing MaaS, deepening fin-tech and mobile payments, and increasing Shinkansen speeds to 360 km/h.
Mr Ogata sees the MaaS revolution as a revolutionary economic wave occurring once in 100 years, and works for JR-East to drive this Maas wave.
7 Features of JR East Management
Vertical structure
(1) non-rail business: life-style business, IC card
(2) operation: trains and busses
(3) maintenance: rolling stock and infrastructure
(4) ownership: rolling stock and infrastructure
Horizontal structure
Passengers: 17.9 million/day – largest number of passengers globally
Network: 7402 km
Trains: 12,209 trains/day
(5) Shinkansen
(6) Tokyo region
(7) regional lines in North-Eastern Japan
Business Structure
17.9 million customers / day (largest in the world)
FY2018 Revenues: € 24.6 billion
Transportation business: € 16.7 billion (68%)
Tokyo metropolitan 58%
Shinkansen 29%
Regional 3%
other transportation (bus, monorail etc) 9%
Life service business: €7.9 billion (32%)
Safety is always the top priority of JR East management
Multiple business models
a mobility company, covering 24 hours and all the life of people. Synergetic growth with railways as the base and towards Mobility as a Service (MaaS)
Life style (shops, buildings…)
Rolling stock manufacture
Overseas business
Public Transport (PT) in Japan and in the world
railway companies – Japan: 200, globally: 3000
bus companies – Japan: 7000, globally: 80,000
taxi companies – Japan: 16,000, globally: 200,000
(taxi cars in Japan: approx. 260,000)
Public Transport (PT) leads Mobility as a Service (MaaS)
PT innovation
improvement by intermodal cooperation (e.g. JR-East through trains to other railways companies and Tokyo subways)
integration with new mobility solutions
STTT Model (Shortening Total Trip Time = STTT)
Customers are mainly interested in the total trip time. Shorten total trip time by reducing the time of each component of the trip, and in particular access to public transport at both ends (e.g. by bicycle, moped or “new personal mobility” e.g. shared electro-scooters etc), and shorten transitions between different means of transport.
Maximum transport capacity per direction per hour:
automobile: 1000
bus: 2500
LRT: 11,000
monorail: 21,000
mini-metro: 35,000
heavy rail, incl. metro: 64,000
heavy rail (e.g. JR East Chuo Line): 100,000
Mobility as a Service (MaaS): a once-in-a-century wave of change including the public transport (PT) industry
We see the development of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) as a massive once-in-a-century change of paradigm which includes the public transport (PT) industry
We see an evolution from privately owned, manually operated automobiles to sharing, on-demand, autonomous operation integrated with public transport. Current public transport + new concepts such as UBER, Lyft, in Japan “Times Car Plus” integrating with innovations in public transport.
Once in 100 years wave of change in transportation (MaaS) is a threat to the automobile industry
the new paradigm CASE was always the case for the railway industry:
Many industries aim at becoming the dominating MaaS platform
We see a big threat to the automobile industry from several directions:
data businesses may overwhelm automobile companies
automobile companies may decline into commodity manufacturing
customer needs (and value to the customer) will shift from the product (car) itself to mobility service
Kuznetsk cycles (demand of buildings, infrastructure investments): 20 years
Kondratieff cycles (innovation): 50 years (naming suggested by Joseph Schumpeter)
“Mobility wave”: 100 years
Open Innovation of JR East
(1) innovation of operations
Speed-up of Shinkansen
1987 operation speed = 240 km/h
2019 operation speed = 320 km/h
2019 test speed = 400 km/h
aiming at operation speed of 360 km/h
Number of trains
1987: 11,175 trains/day
2019: 12,209 trains/day (+ 9.3%)
Enhancement of sustainability
average CO2 emission per railway passenger
1/7 of automobiles
1/5 of airplanes
JR East: 1/2 of global rail average
Enhanced efficiency of train operations
1987: 71,000 staff in JR East’s Railway Operation Division
2019: 39,000 staff
(2) IT innovation
Number of IT systems
1987: 3 IT systems
2019: 1224 IT systems
Big Data and Condition Based Maintenance (CBM)
CBM is now being introduced for track, rolling stock, electric facilities…
IT for customer service: “JR East App”
Japanese version: 4.8 downloads
Multi-lingual version (English/Chinese/Korean): 500,000 downloads (as of January 2020)
No government subsidies and no fare/charge increases for 33 years
For the past 33 years (since 1987):
no subsidies from central or local governments
no increased fares or charges (except for consumption tax increases)
Examples of innovation: SUICA and fintech since November 2001
Evolution from analog paper tickets to fintech
paper tickets (analog)
magnetic ticketing cards stage 1: NRZ1 (non-return-to-zero) (these tickets have a brown backside)
magnetic ticketing cards stage 2: FM (F2F) (Frequency modulation) (these tickets have a black backside)
magnetic cards for stored fares (SF)
SUICA IC Chip memory since 18 November 2001
Authentication, micropayments > fintech from March 2004
Mobile SUICA integration with mobile phones, start: January 2006
development of new business
SUICA started on 18 November 2001: an example of open innovation
SUICA: cooperation between JR East and SONY
transactions in 200 milli-seconds
commuter passes
mobile SUICA
Open strategy
technical disclosure to industry peers: disclosure to more than 200 railway companies in Japan
standardization of the technology – de-facto standards:
better customer service
big impact on society and the nation
scale merit: scaling!
23 March 2013: completion of nationwide platform
complete mutual usage
coverage: 12% of the population
5000 railroad stations
50,000 buses
Development of SUICA
18 Nov 2001: implemented IC ticketing SUICA in Tokyo
22 March 2004: launched micropayment service (e-money) based on SUICA IC card ticketing system
28 January 2006: launched “mobile SUICA” for feature phones
18 March 2007: interoperable service with PASMO
23 July 2011: launch of Mobile SUICA services for smart phones
23 March 2013: launched interoperable service with 10 regional transport cards for 142 operations, later expanded to currently 258 operating companies
interoperable transport IC card systems: total 160 million cards
mobile SUICA: 9.0 million members
maximum transactions/day: 9.58 million
transactions per month: 253 million
member stores: 850,000 (as of December 2019)
Micropayment fintech in Japan is driven by SUICA and railroad payment cards:
3 tsu (通)
Tsushin (通信) = communications
Kotsu (交通)= transport
Ryotsu (流通) = logistics
It took almost 20 years to move from the initial introduction of IC card based SUICA micropayments for transport on 18 November 2001 to the cashless society policy movement in Japan from 2018.
MaaS of JR East
The MaaS platform of JR East aims to include a wide range of business areas:
single mode type: automated driving and car sharing
integrated type of multi PT modes: bus, railways, Shinkansen
integrated type of mobility: bike sharing, rent-a-car, taxi
MaaS of JR East platform further includes: restaurants, shopping, hotels, tourism, inns, kiosks, luggage lockers etc
telecommunication carriers
local government and other services
MaaS aims for all integrated services = all mobility + any added values with lean start-up and agile development philosophies
Proof of concept for JRE MaaS
Niigata, Shonai area: Niigata MaaS Trial since October 2019
Tohoku area: under consideration, PoC from 2012
Sendai area: PoC since February 2020
Tokyo Metropolitan area: PoC since August 2018, public release from January 2020
Izu (Shizuoka Prefecture), PoC in cooperation with local operator Izukyu Corporation.
Phase 1: April 2019 – June 2019
Phase 2: December 2019 – March 2020
Future customer journey will provide “24 hours, one-stop” services from wake-up, digital time management to transportation with flexible schedule change, meeting management, and one-stop reservations for transport, restaurants, hotels etc including easy and automatic check-in
“3D smooth trip”
horizontal: through operations
vertical: barrier free equipment
psychological: smart card in stations and trains with 0.2 second transactions
4 service levels – MaaS app under PoC
Level 1: integration of information: information app and route search engine
Level 2: integration of booking and payment, SUICA micropayments
Level 3: integration of service offer, bundling, subscriptions, contract, commuter pass and through operations
Level 4: integration of national policy, government
Integrating technology and service industry provides value and service to customers, community, society and the nation.
The moment of truth is hospitality.
The Triangle:
customers and the moment of truth: hospitality
management policy
MTOMI model + well-disciplined employees
Genuine infrastructure = MTOMI Model optimizes multiple resources and services and offers multiple options to consumers
Integration of the MTOMI Model + sophisticated service provides value to customers, communities, societies, nation and the world > MaaS of JR East
Public Transport (PT) will lead MaaS
In the ICT field GAFA (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon) and other Silicon Valley and Chinese companies are far ahead, however Japan has unique infrastructure, especially railway infrastructure as unique fields of application for ICT.
Just Shinjuku station alone is a unique application field.
Scale and speed are the keys to success.
ICT and Public Transport (PT) are an excellent match for each other.
Ultimate mobility means: everyone can move freely at anytime to anywhere with comfort by mobility of high quality
Masaki Ogata: Open Innovation and MaaS of JR East, 12th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, 20 February 2020Masaki Ogata: Open Innovation and MaaS of JR East, 12th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, 20 February 2020Masaki Ogata: Open Innovation and MaaS of JR East, 12th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, 20 February 2020Masaki Ogata: Open Innovation and MaaS of JR East, 12th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, 20 February 2020Masaki Ogata: Open Innovation and MaaS of JR East, 12th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, 20 February 2020Masaki Ogata: Open Innovation and MaaS of JR East, 12th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, 20 February 2020Masaki Ogata: Open Innovation and MaaS of JR East, 12th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, 20 February 2020Masaki Ogata: Open Innovation and MaaS of JR East, 12th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, 20 February 2020Masaki Ogata: Open Innovation and MaaS of JR East, 12th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, 20 February 2020Masaki Ogata: Open Innovation and MaaS of JR East, 12th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, 20 February 2020
Masashi Yanagisawa: Solving the Mysteries of Sleep: Toward the Real-World Implementation of Sleep Science, 12th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, 20 February 2020
Masashi Yanagisawa, International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine (WPI-IIIS), Director, University of Tsukuba, Professor
Professor Yanagisawa is founder and Director of the International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine (IIIS), which he founded and is leading to study sleep – one of the most important puzzles of nature. He build the IIIS based on his long work at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, and learning from the principles guiding departments at major US Universities.
Solving the mysteries of sleep: what physically is “sleepiness”?
Tokyo is the world’s most sleep-insufficient city with 5 h 28 mins/night
The world’s most sleep-insufficient city is Tokyo – actigraphy shows that the average sleep time in Tokyo is 5 hours 28 minutes – and this is unsustainable. (GF: see notes towards the end of this page)
A study by the sleep app company SleepCycle and mentioned in The Economist/1843 magazine shows average time in bed per day based on 1 million users of the SleepCycle app vs GDP/person for 55 countries (see notes below for sources). While New Zealand, Finland and Netherlands show similar GDP/person, their time in bed is longest 0n the order of 7 h 45 mins/night, while South Korea and Japan are at the bottom of the figure with time in bed around 6 h 15 mins to 6 h 30 mins.
Lack of sleep is estimated to cost Japan about US$ 138 billion (3% of GDP) annually
The study “Why Sleep Matters: Quantifying the Economic Costs of Insufficient Sleep” by RAND Europe
estimates that insufficient sleep costs Japan about US$ 138 billion (about 3% of GDP) annually. While less dramatic, sleep in other major industrial countries is also insufficient, and ist estimated to cost Germany about 1.6%, UK 1.9%, the USA 2.3%, and Canada 1.3% of GDP.
Lack of sleep causes a decrease of performance similar to alcohol intoxication
Dawson and Reid in study compared the decrease of performance caused by extended wakefulness with that caused by alcohol intoxication, and found that 17 hours of sustained wakefulness (e.g. from 7am to midnight) causes a drop in performance similar that caused by a blood alcohol concentration of 0.05%.
Wakefulness of 24 hours (e.g. from 7am until 7am the next day) leads to performance reduction corresponding to a blood alcohol concentration of 0.1%.
reference: Dawson, D., Reid, K. Fatigue, alcohol and performance impairment. Nature 388, 235 (1997)
The neurobiological “cost” of sleep reduction accumulates, and sleep deprived individuals underestimate this cost
Van Dongen et al show that the “cost” of short sleep, “sleep debt” accumulates, and is systematically underestimated by individuals as a consequence of insufficient sleep.
reference: Van Dongen HP, Maislin G, Mullington JM, Dinges DF. The cumulative cost of additional wakefulness: dose-response effects on neurobehavioral functions and sleep physiology from chronic sleep restriction and total sleep deprivation. Sleep, Volume 26, Issue 2, March 2003, Pages 117–126,
Healthy young individuals are at risk of accumulating “sleep debt”, from which it is hard to recover
Laboratory experiments show that healthy young individuals are at risk of sleeping one hour/day less than optimal, and a 1 hour “sleep debt” takes 4 days of optimum sleep to recover to full performance.
Short sleep duration is independently associated with prevalent and incident atrial fibrillation
Lack of sleep is associated with atrial fibrillation. Atrial fibrillation is associated with increased risk of heart failure, dementia, and stroke.
reference: Michael V. Genuardi MD, Rachel P. Ogilvie, PhD, MPHb,Aisha Rasool Saand, MD, Rebecca S. DeSensi, BA, Melissa I. Saul, MS, Jared W. Magnani, MD, Sanjay R. Patel, MD, Association of Short Sleep Duration and Atrial Fibrillation, Chest, (September 2019) Volume 156, Issue 3, Pages 544–552
Do all animals sleep? When in evolution did sleep develop? Do animals without a centralized nervous system sleep?
How far back in Darwin’s evolution did sleep develop? Sleep has been observed in a wide range of animals, in worms, flies, zebrafish and mice. Although it’s hard to prove scientifically, its likely that all animals with a central nervous system sleep, however sleep patterns differ.
Do animals without a centralized nervous system sleep?
Ravi et al demonstrated sleep in “upside down jellyfish”, Cassiopea jellyfish, which belong to the Cnidaria evolutional lineage. These have a non-centralized nerve net, but no centralized nervous system or brain.
Cassiopea pulse by relaxing and contracting their bell about 1 pulse per second. Nath et al observed this pulse for a large number of Cassiopea jellyfish with an imaging system, and found that Cassiopea pulse less during night than during day, this sleep state is rapidly reversible, and shows all other characteristics of sleep.
Thus it seems that sleep arose before the evolution of a centralized nervous system.
see: Ravi D. Nath, Claire N. Bedbrook, Michael J. Abrams, Ty Basinger, Justin S. Bois, David A. Prober, Paul W. Sternberg, Viviana Gradinaru, and Lea Goentoro, The Jellyfish Cassiopea Exhibits a Sleep-like State, Current Biology 27, 2984–2990, (October 9, 2017)
circadian rhythm. The 2017 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded for the discoveries of molecular mechanisms controlling the circadian rhythm
However, we all know that motivation, emotion also influence sleep.
Why are we sleepy when we are bored?
The Nucleus Accumbens (NAc) is located close to the hypothalamus (which links the nervous system to the endocrine system and regulates processes in the autonomous nervous system) in our brains, and contributes to processing motivation, aversion, reward, and is also involved in inducing slow-wave sleep.
The Nucleus Accumbens (NAc) links motivation and sleep.
Adenosine A2A acting on the NAc via A2A-Receptors (A2AR) induces slow-wave sleep. Chemogenetic inhibition of NAc neurons suppresses sleep. A2A receptors allow sleep gating.
Motivational stimuli act on the NAc via Dopamine as a neurotransmitter.
Yo Oishi, Qi Xu, Lu Wang, Bin-Jia Zhang, Koji Takahashi, Yohko Takata, Yan-Jia Luo,Yoan Cherasse, Serge N. Schiffmann, Alban de Kerchove d’Exaerde, Yoshihiro Urade, Wei-Min Qu, Zhi-Li Huang & Michael Lazarus, Slow-wave sleep is controlled by a subset of nucleus accumbens core neurons in mice, Nat Commun 8, 734 (2017)
Ray Luo, Akira Uematsu, Adam Weitemier, Luca Aquili, Jenny Koivumaa, Thomas J. McHugh & Joshua P. Johansen, A dopaminergic switch for fear to safety transitions. Nat Commun 9, 2483 (2018).
Michael Lazarus, Yo Oishi, Theresa E. Bjorness and Robert W. Greene, Gating and the Need for Sleep: Dissociable Effects of Adenosine A1 and A2A Receptors, (2019) Gating and the Need for Sleep: Dissociable Effects of Adenosine A1 and A2A Receptors. Front. Neurosci. 13:740
Orexin (= hyprocretin) controls arousal, sleep and appetite – discovered by Masashi Yanagisawa’s and Lecea and Kilduff et al. groups
Orexin is a neuropeptide controlling arousal, sleep and appetite and was discovered in 1998 simultaneously by two independent groups of researchers: Masashi Yanagisawa’s group named this newly discovered neuropeptide “orexin”, while Lecea and Kilduff et al’s group named it “hypocretin”.
Masashi Yanagisawa’s lab at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas: Takeshi Sakurai, Akira Amemiya, Makoto Ishii, Ichiyo Matsuzaki, Richard M Chemelli, Hirokazu Tanaka, S. Clay Williams, James A Richardson, Gerald P Kozlowski, Shelagh Wilson, Jonathan R.S Arch, Robin E Buckingham, Andrea C Haynes, Steven A Carr, Roland S Annan, Dean E McNulty, Wu-Schyong Liu, Jonathan A Terrett, Nabil A Elshourbagy, Derk J Bergsma, Masashi Yanagisawa, Orexins and Orexin Receptors: A Family of Hypothalamic Neuropeptides and G Protein-Coupled Receptors that Regulate Feeding Behavior, Cell, 92, 573-585 (Feb 20, 1998)
L. de Lecea, T. S. Kilduff, C. Peyron X.-B. Gao, P. E. Foye, P. E. Danielson, C. Fukuhara, E. L. F. Battenberg, V. T. Gautvik, F. S. Bartlett, II, W. N. Frankel, A. N. van den Pol, F. E. Bloom, K. M. Gautvik, and J. G. Sutcliffe, The hypocretins: Hypothalamus-specific peptides with neuroexcitatory activity, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. (1998) Jan 6; 95(1): 322–327.
Orexin (hypocretin) neuropeptide precursor (Public domain according to Wikipedia: Boghog2 grants anyone the right to use this work for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.)
Source of this picture: Wikipedia. This work has been released into the public domain by its author, Boghog2 at the Wikipedia project. This applies worldwide. In case this is not legally possible: Boghog2 grants anyone the right to use this work for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.
Narcolepsy: “sleep attacks”
Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder, where wake-sleep cycle control is defective. Narcolepsy is a serious disorder, where patients can be affected by “sleep attacks”, sudden sleep during daytime, a pathological intrusion of REM sleep into wakefulness.
Sarah Elizabeth very generously published to following video on YouTube for educational purposes, to show us a narcolepsy “sleep attack”: (source: (c) Sarah Elizabeth on YouTube)
Peyron et al showed that there is a loss of orexin (hypocretin) in narcolepsy patients.
Christelle Peyron, Juliette Faraco, William Rogers, Beth Ripley, Sebastiaan Overeem, Yves Charnay, Sona Nevsimalova, Michael Aldrich, David Reynolds, Roger Albin, Robin Li, Marcel Hungs, Mario Pedrazzoli, Muralidhara Padigaru, Melanie Kucherlapati, Jun Fan, Richard Maki, Gert Jan Lammers, Constantin Bouras, Raju Kucherlapati, Seiji Nishino & Emmanuel Mignot, A mutation in a case of early onset narcolepsy and a generalized absence of hypocretin peptides in human narcoleptic brains, Nat Med 6, 991–997 (2000)
Orexin agonists and antagonists as potential therapeutics
Orexins are produced by there hypothalamus and are involved in wakefulness and arousal. Blocking the signaling by Orexins is promising as therapy for insomnia. Orexin receptors as drug targets: towards a therapy for narcolepsy.
Sleep regulation: sleep need (hours) vs sleep/wake switching (seconds)
Sleep regulation can be symbolized by a Shishi-odoshi (鹿威し), a bamboo device often found in Japanese gardens. The bamboo is mounted off midway on a pivot, and slowly fills with water. The shorter part of the bamboo tube fills with water from a well, and as it fills, the point is reached where the bamboo tips over suddenly and releases the water. Sleep need similarly build up over time, until the sleep center tips over and we fall asleep suddenly. Assisted by orexin, the arousal center inhibits the sleep center in the brain while we are awake. When we are asleep, the sleep center inhibits the arousal center, and the sleep need decreases while we are sleeping.
Clifford B. Saper, Thomas E. Scammell & Jun Lu, Hypothalamic regulation of sleep and circadian rhythms, Nature 437, 1257–1263 (2005)
Breading “Sleepy” mice mutants to study the genetics of sleep regulation
To study the switching mechanisms between wakefulness, REM-sleep and NREM-sleep (REM = Rapid Eye Movement), “sleepy” mice genetic mutants were studied and compared with normal non-sleepy mice.
Funato H, Miyoshi C, Fujiyama T, Kanda T, Sato M, Wang Z, Ma J, Nakane S, Tomita J, Ikkyu A, Kakizaki M, Hotta-Hirashima N, Kanno S, Komiya H, Asano F, Honda T, Kim SJ, Harano K, Muramoto H, Yonezawa T, Mizuno S, Miyazaki S, Connor L, Kumar V, Miura I, Suzuki T, Watanabe A, Abe M, Sugiyama F, Takahashi S, Sakimura K, Hayashi Y, Liu Q, Kume K, Wakana S, Takahashi JS, Yanagisawa M. Forward-genetics analysis of sleep in randomly mutagenized mice. Nature 539, 378–383 (2016)
Basic concept of IIIS: learning from “departments” in major US Universities.
Strong leadership of “department head”
Appointment of early career PI
Flat personnel hierarchy
Open and mixed research environment
Flexible and dynamic allocation of research resources including floor space
Sharing of large facilities and equipment
Streamlined administrative services
Notes by Gerhard Fasol
Japan is the most sleep deprived country of a very long list of major countries
The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) and the Sleep Research Society (SRS) in a joint consensus statement say:
“Adults should sleep 7 or more hours per night on a regular basis to promote optimal health”.
see: Watson NF, Badr MS, Belenky G, Bliwise DL, Buxton OM, Buysse D, Dinges DF, Gangwisch J, Grandner MA, Kushida C, Malhotra RK, Martin JL, Patel SR, Quan SF, Tasali E. Recommended amount of sleep for a healthy adult: a joint consensus statement of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and Sleep Research Society. SLEEP 2015;38(6):843–844.
sleepcycle.com, which markets the SleepCycle app has been downloaded by 37.4 million people and has tracked 4.38 billion hours of sleep, and publishes statistics on sleep in different countries based on sleep statistics shared by their users/customers.
In a short report dated December 5, 2014, SleepCycle lists Japan as the No. 1 sleep-deprived country in a list of 20 countries and including the analysis of 351,044 users during 1-30 November 2014. All countries have a minimum of 2000 registered users.
Average time in bed, 1-30 November 2014, SleepCycle study of Dec 5, 2014:
Japan 5 h 56mins
South Korea 8 h 03mins
Brazil 6 h 37 mins
Mexico 6 h 40 mins
China 6 h 42 mins
Italy 6 h 58 mins
Spain 6 h 58 mins
Germany 7 h 09 mins
Norway 7 h 10 mins
Switzerland 7 h 11 mins
US 7 h 11 mins
Canada 7 h 15 mins
Denmark 7 h 16 mins
Sweden 7 h 16 mins
France 7 h 16 mins
Australia 7 h 20 mins
UK 7 h 22 mins
Belgium 7 h 23 mins
Netherlands 7 h 26 mins
New Zealand 7 h 27 mins
More detailed data based on 1 million users of SleepCycle were published by The Economist/1843 magazine in the April/May 2018 issue: “Which countries get the most sleep?” The data in this article also show Japan with the shortest length of sleep, about 6 h 20 mins/night at the bottom of a list of 55 major countries. The same SleepCycle data are also shown in a blog article by the World Economic Forum: “Which countries get the most sleep – and how much do we really need?”
Masashi Yanagisawa: Solving the Mysteries of Sleep: Toward the Real-World Implementation of Sleep Science, 12th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, 20 February 2020Masashi Yanagisawa: Solving the Mysteries of Sleep: Toward the Real-World Implementation of Sleep Science, 12th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, 20 February 2020Masashi Yanagisawa: Solving the Mysteries of Sleep: Toward the Real-World Implementation of Sleep Science, 12th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, 20 February 2020Masashi Yanagisawa: Solving the Mysteries of Sleep: Toward the Real-World Implementation of Sleep Science, 12th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, 20 February 2020Masashi Yanagisawa: Solving the Mysteries of Sleep: Toward the Real-World Implementation of Sleep Science, 12th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, 20 February 2020Masashi Yanagisawa: Solving the Mysteries of Sleep: Toward the Real-World Implementation of Sleep Science, 12th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, 20 February 2020Masashi Yanagisawa: Solving the Mysteries of Sleep: Toward the Real-World Implementation of Sleep Science, 12th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, 20 February 2020Masashi Yanagisawa: Solving the Mysteries of Sleep: Toward the Real-World Implementation of Sleep Science, 12th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, 20 February 2020Masashi Yanagisawa: Solving the Mysteries of Sleep: Toward the Real-World Implementation of Sleep Science, 12th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, 20 February 2020Masashi Yanagisawa: Solving the Mysteries of Sleep: Toward the Real-World Implementation of Sleep Science, 12th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, 20 February 2020Masashi Yanagisawa: Solving the Mysteries of Sleep: Toward the Real-World Implementation of Sleep Science, 12th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, 20 February 2020Masashi Yanagisawa: Solving the Mysteries of Sleep: Toward the Real-World Implementation of Sleep Science, 12th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, 20 February 2020Masashi Yanagisawa: Solving the Mysteries of Sleep: Toward the Real-World Implementation of Sleep Science, 12th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, 20 February 2020
Hiromitsu Nakauchi: Stem cell technology and its potential for future medicine, Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, 20 February 2020
Hiromitsu Nakauchi, Stanford University School of Medicine, Professor, and University of Tokyo, Project Professor, Divn. of Stem Cell Therapy, Institute of Medical Science
Summary: solving the shortage of organ donors and immune rejection with stem cells
There are far more patients requiring organ transplants than organ donations. Transplanted organs are rejected by the recipient’s immune system requiring life-long immune suppression. Professor Nakauchi explains his path towards growing organs based on a patient’s stem cells injected into an animal’s embryo, which then is implanted into a host animal, and when fully grown this organ is transplanted back into the patient. While this long term target is still very difficult and far in the future, Professor Nakauchi and his teams at Tokyo University and Stanford University have solved several of the intermediary steps, bringing this final target closer.
What are stem cells?
Stem cells are undifferentiated or partly differentiated cells at the origin of cell lineages, can develop into different types of cells, and can divide to create more of the same stem cells. Stem cells were found in the 1960s by Ernest McCulloch and James Till’s group at the University of Toronto/Canada.
see: A. J. Becker, E. A . McCulloch, J. E. Till, Cytological Demonstration of the Clonal Nature of Spleen Colonies Derived from Transplanted Mouse Marrow Cells, Nature 197, 452-454 (1963)
Embryonic stem cells can be cultured indefinitely, have high differentiation potential (e.g into neurons, muscle cells, blood cells, liver cells etc), and gene manipulation is possible.
However, ES cells cannot be established from patients and may not represent a healthy individual. In addition there are ethical difficulties regarding the manipulation of human embryos.
Because ES cells cannot be established from the patient, ES cell based therapy requires Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) matching, and may lead to immune rejection and / or infections.
Cell therapy using a patient’s own cells is desired, by generating pluripotent stem cells from patients.
Induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells
Patient-derived pluripotent stem cells can be generated from somatic cells (skin fibroblasts, blood cells, epithelial cells, …) by introduction using Sendai virus as vectors of four genes that are expressed in ES cells. These four genes are:
Patient derived iPSCs are useful as an unlimited source of human material:
studies of pathogenesis
development of therapies
drug screening
gene/cell therapy
toxicology studies
Kazutoshi Takahashi, Shinya Yamanaka, Induction of Pluripotent Stem Cells from Mouse Embryonic and Adult Fibroblast Cultures by Defined Factors, Cell 126, 663-676, (August 25, 2006)
Kazutoshi Takahashi, Koji Tanabe, Mari Ohnuki, Megumi Narita, Tomoko Ichisaka, Kiichiro Tomoda, Shinya Yamanaka, Induction of Pluripotent Stem Cells from Adult Human Fibroblasts by Defined Factors, Cell 131, 861-872 (November 30, 2007)
Noemi Fusaki, Hiroshi Ban, Akiyo Nishiyama, Koichi Saeki, and Mamoru Hasegawa, Efficient induction of transgene-free human pluripotent stem cells using a vector based on Sendai virus, an RNA virus that does not integrate into the host genome, Proc Jpn Acad Ser B Phys Biol Sci v.85(8); 348-362 (2009)
Kobayashi T, Yamaguchi T, Hamanaka S, Kato-Itoh M, Yamazaki Y, Ibata M, Sato H, Lee YS, Usui J, Knisely AS, Hirabayashi M, Nakauchi H: Generation of rat pancreas in mouse by interspecific blastocyst injection of pluripotent stem cells. Cell (2010), 142:787–799
generation of (Pdx1 KO) rat with mouse pancreas > rat with mouse PSC derived pancreas > rat-sized mouse pancreas in rat
Yamaguchi T, Sato H, Kato-Itoh M, Goto T, Hara H, Sanbo M, Mizuno N, Kobayashi T, Yanagida A, Umino A, Ota Y, Hamanaka S, Masaki H, Rashid ST, Hirabayashi M, Nakauchi H. Interspecies organogenesis generates autologous functional islets. Nature 542, 191–196 (2017)
Rat pancreata can be created from rat PSCs in mice trough interspecies blastocyst complementation, however the resulting pancreata were of mouse size, creating insufficient number of islets to treat diabetes in the rat.
To solve this issue, the reverse experiments were performed:
Mouse PSCs were injected into Pdx-1 deficient rat blastocysts, and rat sized pancreata composed of mouse-PSC derived cells were grown. Islets prepared from these mouse-PSC derived pancreata grown in rats were then transplanted into mice with streptozotocin-induced diabetes. The transplanted islets maintained mouse-host blood glucose levels for over 370 in the absence of immunosuppression.
These experiments show that in principle organs can be grown based on PSCs across animal barriers and used for therapy.
Yamaguchi T, Sato H, Kato-Itoh M, Goto T, Hara H, Sanbo M, Mizuno N, Kobayashi T, Yanagida A, Umino A, Ota Y, Hamanaka S, Masaki H, Rashid ST, Hirabayashi M, Nakauchi H. Interspecies organogenesis generates autologous functional islets. Nature 542, 191–196 (2017)
Implantation of human/animal admixed embryos was prohibited by guidelines in Japan, therefore:
Move from the University of Tokyo to Stanford University, Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine
Achieving apancreatic sheep is the first step towards growing human iPSC derived pancreas in sheep for implantation back into humans: generation of apancreatic sheep by CRISPR/Cas9 microinjection into sheep oocytes.
Marcela Vilarino, Sheikh Tamir Rashid, Fabian Patrik Suchy, Bret Roberts McNabb, Talitha van der Meulen, Eli J. Fine, Syed Daniyal Ahsan, Nurlybek Mursaliyev, Vittorio Sebastiano, Santiago Sain Diab, Mark O. Huising, Hiromitsu Nakauchi & Pablo J. Ross, CRISPR/Cas9 microinjection in oocytes disables pancreas development in sheep. Sci Rep 7, 17472 (2017)
The next step in the quest for developing iPCS based human organs in animals for transplant back into human patients is to investigate human iPCS in mouse and sheep.
Human iPSC cells injected into mouse or sheep embryos normally to not migrate into the inner cell mass (ICM), however migration and proliferation can be achieved by injecting primed human iPSCs with Bcl2 expression.
A major difficulty is caused by evolutionary divergence rats and mice diverged less than 30 million years ago, while humans and pigs or sheep diverged over 60 million years ago.
The Japanese Government finally lifted the ban on human-animal chimera research
Kelly Servick, Taking ‘baby steps’ to human organs in livestock, Science, 364, 1217-1218 (28 June 2019)
Hiromitsu Nakauchi: Stem cell technology and its potential for future medicine, Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, 20 February 2020Hiromitsu Nakauchi: Stem cell technology and its potential for future medicine, Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, 20 February 2020Hiromitsu Nakauchi: Stem cell technology and its potential for future medicine, Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, 20 February 2020Hiromitsu Nakauchi: Stem cell technology and its potential for future medicine, Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, 20 February 2020
5G offers three generic services: (1) enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), (2) massive machine-type communications (mMTC), eg for IoT, (3) ultra-reliable and low-latency communications (URLLC)
6G will include eMMB, mMTC and URLLC, and will also include new extreme requirements for special use cases, such as extremely high data rates, extreme coverage including sky, sea and space, or extremely low latency and extremely high reliability as required for autonomous vehicles, remote surgery, and massive connectivity with very high densities of sensors and actuators, and very high-precision positioning.
We expect a fusion of cyberspace and our real world, Io type sensors in combination with AI create a cyber image of our real world, AI maybe central action which then creates action in our real world.
Trends for 5G/6G mobile communications
Technology evolves in 10 year phases:
1G (analog) 1980-1990
car phones, portable telephones, shoulder phones, handy telephone
2G (digital voice) 1990-2000
MOVA, mobile phone for everyone
3G (digital voice & data) 2000-2010
i-Mode, information in hand, camera phones
4G (smart phones) 2010-2020
smart phones, apps, videos, streaming
5G/6G 2020-2030(?)
resolution of social issues, human centered value creation
Value creation for markets evolves in 20 year phases.
1980-2000 First wave
dissemination of mobile phones
2000-2000 Second wave
mobile multimedia
2020- Third wave
news business value
5G use cases
Advanced mobile broadband
VR (virtual reality) smart glasses
AR (augmented reality)
free viewpoint image
high sense of presence
highly condensed traffic (e.g. in stadium)
HD image broadcast (uplink)
IoT: massive connectivity
smart city, smart home
smart wearable
smart manufacturing
ultra-high reliability and low latency
drone control
tactile communication
Observations from 5G real issues
5G is the first generation using mm radio waves
1G, 2G, 3G uses UHF radio bands, e.g. in the 800MHz, 2GHz ranges
4G added low SHF bands in the 3-6 GHz ranges
5G uses high SHF bands in the 6-30GHz and EHF bands above 30GHz
Key technical issues are mm-wave coverage and mobility improvement, uplink performance enhancement.
There is high interest from industry, however requirements for industrial use cases are high.
5G first focusses on downlink speed and on a best effort basis.
5G evolution is directed towards improving uplink speed, and to move from “best effort” basis to guaranteed performance.
Cyber-Physical Fusion
5G and 6G have the potential to fuse our physical world and the cyber world:
Physical world > cyber space: create a cyber replica of the physical world
humans, objects, events are turned into information
accumulated data are turned into a cyber replica of the real world assisted by AI
low latency and high data transport capacity is needed
Cyber space > physical world: cyber space actuates events in the real world
forecasting future events
data analysis turns data into value
actuate events in the real world
AI influences devices, high reliability and low latency is required
5G supports three generic services: enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), massive machine-type communications (mMTC) and ultra-reliable low-latency communications (URLLC)
5G supports three generic services according to the 5G New Radio (NR) standard of the 3GPP:
enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB): stable connections with very high peak data rates, and lower data rates for users further away from antennas
massive machine-type communications (mMTC): for massive numbers of IoT devices, eg for sensing, metering and monitoring devices
ultra-reliable and low-latency communications (URLLC) required for self-driving cars, remote surgery and similar applications which rely on very fast response (low latency) and very high reliability and Quality of Service
URLLC use cases include:
control of autonomous vehicles and traffic control
robot control and 3D connection with drones
remote surgery
For Docomo’s field experiments on 5G URLLC services see: Special articles on demonstration of new technologies for 5G, NTT DOCOMO Technical Journal 20(1), (July 2018)
6G will include eMMB, mMTC and URLLC, and will include also new combinations of extreme requirements for special use cases.
Extreme targets include
extremely high data rate and data capacity: peak data rates beyond 100Gbps exploiting new spectrum, 100 times capacity increase during the next 10 years
extreme coverage: Gbps coverage everywhere, new coverage areas, e.g. sky, sea and space
extremely low energy consumption, no charging and low cost: affordable mm wave/ THz and devices, devices that do not need batteries that require charging
extremely low latency: faster than 1 milli-second, always low latency
extremely high reliability: guaranteed quality of service (QoS) for a white range of use cases 7-Nines (99,99999%) reliability
extremely massive connectivity: massive density of connected devices, e.g. 10 million/square kilometer, sensing capabilities and high-precision positioning (e.g. centimeter precision)
5G = eLTE (extended long term evolution) + NR (5G new radio standard). cm wave & mm wave mMIMO, LDPC/polar coding, URLLC/mMTC
6G will be a combination of new technologies and enhancements to bring “big gain”. OFDM based and/or new waveform cm wave & mm waves & THz. extreme coverage, new network topology, further enhanced mMIMO, enhanced URLLC/mMTC, and AI.
NTT DOCOMO White Paper on 5G Evolution and 6G, January 2020
Satoshi Nagata: NTT DOCOMO’s activity towards 5G Evolution and 6GSatoshi Nagata: NTT DOCOMO’s activity towards 5G Evolution and 6GSatoshi Nagata: NTT DOCOMO’s activity towards 5G Evolution and 6GSatoshi Nagata: NTT DOCOMO’s activity towards 5G Evolution and 6GSatoshi Nagata: NTT DOCOMO’s activity towards 5G Evolution and 6GSatoshi Nagata: NTT DOCOMO’s activity towards 5G Evolution and 6GSatoshi Nagata: NTT DOCOMO’s activity towards 5G Evolution and 6GSatoshi Nagata: NTT DOCOMO’s activity towards 5G Evolution and 6G
11th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 2019, Wednesday 20 February 2019 at the Embassy of Austria, Tokyo.
11th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 201911th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 2019 Speakers: Peter Zoller, Hiroshi Nakamura, Noriko Osumi, Takaaki Kajita, Gerhard Fasol
Welcome by the Ambassador of Austria, Hubert Heiss.
Gerhard Fasol, CEO and Founder Eurotechnology Japan K, Guest-Professor Kyushu University, former faculty Cambridge University and Tokyo University, Past-Fellow Trinity College Cambridge “Today’s agenda. Entropy, information and Ludwig Boltzmann“
11th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 2019: Ambassador of Austria, Huber Heiss (left), and Gerhard Fasol (right)Gerhard Fasol: agenda of the 11th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum. Entropy, information and Ludwig BoltzmannNoriko Osumi: Towards understanding the mystery of neuro-development disorders: lessons from animal modelsTakaaki Kajita: Neutrino research in Kamioka and the status of Japanese basic science with large research infrastructuresHiroshi Nakamura: NTT DOCOMO driving digital transformation in the 5G era – co-create new values with partnersPeter Zoller: Quantum Computing and Quantum Simulation with Cold Atoms11th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 201911th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 201911th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 201911th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 201911th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 201911th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 201911th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 201911th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 201911th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 201911th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 201911th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 201911th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 201911th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 2019: Noriko Osumi and Gerhard Fasol11th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 2019: Ambassador of Austria, Huber Heiss (left), Noriko Osumi (center), Gerhard Fasol (right)11th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, 20 February 2019
The Ludwig Boltzmann Forum is invitation only. Contact us here for enquiries and cooperation
Entropy, information and Ludwig Boltzmann. 11th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 20 February 2019
Gerhard Fasol, Eurotechnology Japan KK, Founder and CEO. Guest Professor, Kyushu University. Former tenured faculty at Cambridge University and Tokyo University, Past Fellow Trinity College Cambridge.
Gerhard Fasol: agenda of the 11th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum. Entropy, information and Ludwig Boltzmann
Agenda of the 11th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum
Purpose of the Ludwig Boltzmann Forum is to bring outstanding leaders in different areas, technology, science, medicine, business, finance together to create new ideas, new research, new business, new initiatives. Over the last 10 Ludwig Boltzmann Forum conferences we have created many new partnerships in this way.
Some participants – also here today – have told me that they know of no better forum in Japan to freely discuss ideas and exchange views.
Today Noriko Osumi (Vice-President of Tohoku University) will show us results of her genetic research concerning autism. Neurological disorders are sometime coupled with fantastic creativity in the same person, and Ludwig Boltzmann may be an example. Takaaki Kajita (Nobel Prize in Physics 2015) will explain his discovery of neutrino oscillations and how it is linked to our understanding of the origin of our universe. Hiroshi Nakamura (Board Director and General Manager for R&D Innovation at NTT DOCOMO) will show us what 5G mobile communications mean for us users, and how important partners are to bring 5G to market. Peter Zoller (Director at the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information at the University of Innsbruck) will explain his work on optical quantum computing and how quantum computing can create new levels of computation and secure data transmission. Gerhard Fasol (Eurotechnology Japan KK and Guest Professor at Kyushu University) will explain some of Ludwig Boltzmann’s work, and why we use his results and tools every day in our lives and work, and what we can learn from Ludwig Boltzmann today.
Physicist. Mathematician. Philosopher. Leader. Venture investor (in aircraft research)
I am creating and developing the Ludwig Boltzmann Forum as a platform for leaders, driving improvements based on logic and science and mathematics – inspired by Ludwig Boltzmann: physicist, mathematician, philosopher, leader and venture investor – Ludwig Boltzmann was a venture investor in aircraft research and experimentation at a time when it was not yet clear whether air travel will be with balloons, zeppelins, bird like flapping wings, air-screws or other devices.
Inspire leaders by Ludwig Boltzmann’s example. Honesty, humility, asking profound questions and working towards answers using logic, mathematics, science – understanding nature and systems, and creating new tools to solve practical problems.
We use Ludwig Boltzmann’s results every day
S = k log W – Ludwig Boltzmann linked the macroscopically defined Entropy, which was introduced from work to optimize steam engines for the first industrial revolution, to the statistical mechanics of molecules and thus also to information theory. Boltzmann’s statistically defined Entropy was rediscovered independently by Shannon, and is fundamental to understand information moving through “channels” including the internet.
For his work, Ludwig Boltzmann was proposed many times (1903, 1905, three times in 1906) for the Nobel Prize, but died in 1906 before any potential Nobel Prize could have been decided for him.
Ludwig Boltzmann started early: published his first work in 1865 at the age of 21
Boltzmann’s first published work is entitled “Über die Bewegung der Elektrizität in krummen Flächen” (Electricity on curved surfaces), published in 1865 at the age of 21. About 20% of Boltzmann’s work is about electro-magnetism. It was the time when Maxwell created Maxwell’s equations in 1861-1862. It is also the time when electricity started to replace gas and steam engines. Tokyo Dentou KK received the license to produce and sell electricity in Tokyo on 15 February 1883.
Ludwig Boltzmann’s teachers and the “reversibility paradox”
Ludwig Boltzmann studied in the midst of a very active physics school in Vienna. Among his teachers where Josef Loschmidt, who proposed structures for 300 chemical compounds including benzene, who determined the number of gas molecules in a unit volume, today called the Loschmidt constant, and Jozef Stefan, who was the first to determine the temperature of the sun, and created what is known today as the Stefan -Boltzmann Law together with his student Ludwig Boltzmann. Josef Loschmidt conflicted with Ludwig Boltzmann and challenged him with the “reversibility paradox”: how can completely reversible microscopic laws, based on Newton’s laws, cause irreversible macroscopic phenomena as expressed by the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which says that an isolated system spontaneously evolves to the state of greatest entropy – but never reverses to lower entropy, (at least not within finite time).
The mechanical meaning of the Second Law of Thermodynamics
Important research starts by asking the right questions. Ludwig Boltzmann asked how the Second Law of Thermodynamics is linked to mechanics of particles. He published one of his most important publications at the age of 22 in 1866 “Über die mechanische Bedeutung des zweiten Hauptsatzes der Wärmetheorie” (About the mechanical meaning of the second law of thermodynamics), linking the macroscopically defined Entropy – a quantity created to improve the design of steam engines – to the microscopic statistical mechanics of molecules. Thus Ludwig Boltzmann created some of his most important work at the age of 22.
Boltzmann’s transport equations and optimal transport
The French mathematician Gaspard Monge started the field of optimal transport in the year 1781.
Monge worked for the French military on a very important problem: given a number of quarries at different locations, and the need to build a number of fortifications at other locations, what is the optimal way to transport sand and rocks from the quarries to the building sites for these fortifications.
Boltzmann created what is today called “Boltzmann’s transport equations” to calculate how particles (molecules or atoms) forming a gas move from one particular state to another. Taking into account the statistical nature of this problem, Boltzmann” transport equations are partial differential equations for the density in location and momentum space.
Boltzmann’s transport equations today are used in a wide are of applications from electrons in semiconductor electronic devices to the design of aircraft wings and racing cars.
Optimal transport results are used for many modern big data applications, image processing and many more, and two Fields Medals have been awarded:
Cédric Villani, Fields Medal 2010 “for his proofs of nonlinear Landau damping and convergence to equilibrium for the Boltzmann equation”
Alessio Fialli, Fields medal 2018 “for his contributions to the theory of optimal transport, and its application to partial differential equations, metric geometry, and probability”
What can we learn from Ludwig Boltzmann?
There is much to learn from Ludwig Boltzmann far beyond the enormous impact his scientific work has on our daily lives and on the daily work of every engineer, physicist, scientist.
empower young people, recognize and support talent early:
LB published his first scientific work at age 21 – I am sure that should be possible today also (also I am ashamed to say my own first scientific publication was published when I was 24 years old)
LB became Full Professor at 25
Head of Department at 32
President of University at 43
talent is not linear, its exponential
move around the world. Connect. Interact.
Empower women
Don’t accept authority for authority’s sake
science/physics problems need to be treated with the methods of physics/science
no dogmas
support entrepreneurs (LB supported aircraft developers before it was clear which technology will win: flapping wings? balloons? Zeppelins?)
Boltzmann’s thoughts and ideas are a big part of our understanding of the world and our universe.
His results and mathematical tools are used every day by today’s engineers, bankers, IT people, physicists. The definition of 1 degree Kelvin/Celsius/Fahrenheit with which we measure temperature since 2018 is directly via Boltzmann’s constant k.
Ludwig Boltzmann stood up for his ideas and conclusions and did not give in to authority.
Gerhard Fasol: agenda of the 11th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum. Entropy, information and Ludwig BoltzmannGerhard Fasol: agenda of the 11th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum. Entropy, information and Ludwig BoltzmannGerhard Fasol: agenda of the 11th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum. Entropy, information and Ludwig BoltzmannTakaaki Kajita: Neutrino research in Kamioka and the status of Japanese basic science with large research infrastructures
Towards understanding the mystery of neuro-development disorders: lessons from animal models, 11th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, 20 February 2019
Noriko Osumi, Tohoku University, Vice-President. Professor of Neuroscience. Executive Director, United Centers for Advanced Research and Translational Medicine (ART). Director of the Center for Neuroscience.
Noriko Osumi: Towards understanding the mystery of neuro-development disorders: lessons from animal models
summary written by Gerhard Fasol
The Autism enigma
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
Leo Kanner first described autism in 1943 based on a study of 11 children. Autism includes a wide range of brain disorders with three core symptoms:
social difficulties: uncommon social behavior
communication disorders
unusual patterns of highly restricted interests and repetitive behaviors
Despite such uncommon behavior and disorders, an astonishing number of people with ASD show extraordinary achievements in science, arts and other fields. Many historic scientists are thought to have displayed signs of autism or Asperger’s disorder, although it is difficult to diagnose people who are not alive anymore.
Stephen Wiltshire, who was awarded an MBE (Member of the Order of the British Empire) for services to the arts, was diagnosed with autism at the age of three years, and did not speak fully until the age of 9. He is globally famous for his artwork: https://www.stephenwiltshire.co.uk
Asperger’s disorder and other pervasive developmental disorders are also included in the range of ASD.
The prevalence puzzle: an autism pandemic?
Genetic versus environmental?
Studies show a dramatic increase in the occurrence of autism. Research shows an increase from around 1 case of autism among 5,000 in 1975 to 1 case among 110 in 2009, thus a 45 times increase over 34 years.
The causes for autism and the causes for the dramatic rise in occurrence are not understood. Both genetic and environmental causes are investigated.
Concordance rates of ASD for monozygotic twins are several times higher than for dizygotic twins pointing to the importance of genetic factors.
Genetics of autism: the Pax6 gene in the 11p13 chromosome region
The Pax6 gene encodes a transcription factor that is essential both for brain and neurodevelopment, and also throughout life in certain regions of the brain. The human Pax6 gene has also been linked to the WAGR (Wilm’s tumor, Aniridia, Genito-urinary malformations and mental Retardation) syndrome, which is a rare genetic disease caused by chromosomal deletion of the 11p12-p14 chromosome region. Studies have identified Pax6 mutations in patients with mental retardation and autism. Professor Osumi’s recent research also indicates that autistic patients carry rare Pax6 mutations, and that Pax6 dysfunction during neurodevelopment might cause autistic disorder.
Offspring from aged fathers show abnormal brain structure and impaired behavior
Professor Osumi introduced research on laboratory mice as a model for the influence of aging fathers on abnormalities in brain development and behavior.
Paternal age has been shown in human studies to be related to higher risks for psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and ASD, bipolar disorder, reduced IQ, and impaired social functioning. In rodents, paternal aging causes learning deficit, impaired social behavior and hyper anxiety. Professor Osumi explained her research to clarify underlying molecular mechanisms.
Professor Osumi’s studies on mice showed that paternal aging influenced
body weight
maternal separation-induced vocal communication (USV = ultrasonic vocalization)
sensorimotor gating
spatial learning
and abnormalities were observed in the brain regions related to behavioral impairment.
Genetic mutation versus epigenetic mechanisms
Studying mice over three generations, eg. aged grandfather, young father, can indicate whether aging leads to genetic mutation or to epigenetic changes, ie heritable changes that do not involve changes to genes.
In recent studies on mice, Professor Osumi found support for a model, where paternal aging induces leaky expression of REST/NRSF [RE1-silencing transcription factor (REST), neuron-restrictive silencer factor (NRSF)] target genes, that have been marked with hypo-methylation in a sperm cell.
Evaluation of Pax6 mutant rat as a model for autism, Toshiko Umeda, Noriko Takashima, Ryoko Nakagawa, Motoko Maekawa, Shiro Ikegami, Takeo Yoshikawa, Kazuto Kobayashi, Kazuo Okanoya, Kaoru Inokuchi, Noriko Osumi, PLoS ONE, 5, e15500 (December 2010) http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0015500
The Role of the Transcription Factor Pax6 in Brain Development and Evolution: Evidence and Hypothesis, Noriko Osumi and Takako Kikkawa, R. Kageyama and T. Yamamori (eds.), Cortical Development: Neural Diversity and Neocortical Organization, DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54496-8_3, Springer Japan 2013, Chapter 3.
Conserved and divergent functions of Pax6 underlie species-specific neurogenic patterns in the developing amniote brain, Wataru Yamashita, Masanori Takahashi, Takako Kikkawa, Hitoshi Gotoh, Noriko Osumi, Katsuhiko Ono and Tadashi Nomura, Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd | Development (2018) 145, dev159764. doi:10.1242/dev.159764
Role of Fabp7, a Downstream Gene of Pax6, in the Maintenance of Neuroepithelial Cells during Early Embryonic Development of the Rat Cortex, Yoko Arai, Nobuo Funatsu, Keiko Numayama-Tsuruta, Tadashi Nomura, Shun Nakamura, and Noriko Osumi, The Journal of Neuroscience, (October 19, 2005),25(42):9752–9761
Paternal age affects offspring’s behavior possibly via an epigenetic mechanism recruiting a transcriptional repressor REST, Kaichi Yoshizaki, Tasuku Koike, Ryuichi Kimura, Takako Kikkawa, Shinya Oki, Kohei Koike, Kentaro Mochizuki, Hitoshi Inada1, Hisato Kobayashi, Yasuhisa Matsui, Tomohiro Kono, Noriko Osumi, bioRxiv preprint first posted online Feb 15, 2019, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/550095 , https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/550095v1
Noriko Osumi: Towards understanding the mystery of neuro-development disorders: lessons from animal modelsNoriko Osumi: Towards understanding the mystery of neuro-development disorders: lessons from animal modelsNoriko Osumi: Towards understanding the mystery of neuro-development disorders: lessons from animal modelsNoriko Osumi: Towards understanding the mystery of neuro-development disorders: lessons from animal modelsNoriko Osumi: Towards understanding the mystery of neuro-development disorders: lessons from animal modelsNoriko Osumi: Towards understanding the mystery of neuro-development disorders: lessons from animal modelsNoriko Osumi: Towards understanding the mystery of neuro-development disorders: lessons from animal modelsleft to right: Professor Noriko Osumi and Gerhard Fasolleft to right: Professor Noriko Osumi and Gerhard Fasolleft to right: Ambassador of Austria to Japan, Hubert Heiss, Professor Noriko Osumi and Gerhard Fasolleft to right: Ambassador of Austria to Japan, Hubert Heiss, Professor Noriko Osumi and Gerhard Fasol
Neutrino research in Kamioka and the status of Japanese basic science with large research infrastructures, 11th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, 20 February 2019
Takaaki Kajita, University of Tokyo, Professor and Director of the Institute for Cosmic Ray Research. Nobel Prize in Physics 2015 for the discovery of neutrino oscillations
Takaaki Kajita: Neutrino research in Kamioka and the status of Japanese basic science with large research infrastructures
Summary of Professor Takaaki Kajita’s keynote talk written by Gerhard Fasol.
Nobel Prize in Physics 2015 for Takaaki Kajita and Arthur B McDonald
Professor Takaaki Kajita was awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physics for “for the discovery of neutrino oscillations, which shows that neutrinos have mass.” See:
Neutrinos are elementary particles such as electrons and quarks, but unlike electrons they have no electric charge. Thus they have very weak interactions with atoms and their nuclei, and have very weak interactions with matter and can pass easily through earth. Neutrinos have been assumed to have no mass.
Neutrinos come in three flavors (= lepton family number, leptonic charge):
Neutrino oscillations
If neutrinos have mass, neutrinos would change their flavor, eg a muon-neutrino would change its flavor to tau-neutrino. The probability of measuring the neutrino in a particular flavor state would oscillate as the neutrino propagates through space.
Neutrino oscillations were predicted by
Maki, Nakagawa and Sakata, (Z. Maki; M. Nakagawa; S. Sakata (November 1962). “Remarks on the Unified Model of Elementary Particles”. Progress of Theoretical Physics. 28 (5): 870.)
Bruno Pontecorvo (“Neutrino Experiments and the Problem of Conservation of Leptonic Charge”. Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 53: 1717–1725. Reproduced and translated in B. Pontecorvo (May 1968). “Neutrino Experiments and the Problem of Conservation of Leptonic Charge”. Sov. Phys. JETP. 26: 984–988.)
How can we detect neutrinos?
Neutrinos only interact very weakly with matter, therefore they are very hard to measure, and neutrino detectors have to be very large. Several different types exist. The Super Kamiokande detector measures the Cherenkov radiation with a large number of photomultipliers emitted when a neutrino creates an electron or muon in water.
Kamiokande: Kamioka nucleon decay experiment
The elementary particles protons and neutrons, which constitute the nuclei of atoms, were thought to have infinite lifetimes. In the 1970s it was predicted that protons and neutrons have finite lifetimes on the order of about 10^30 years.
The Kamiokande experiment was designed in the 1980s to measure proton decay and consists of a 3000 ton water tank, 15.5m diameter and 16m high.
The Kamiokande experiment is located in the Mozumi Mine of the Mitsui Mining and Smelting Co. near Kamioka, Hida in Gifu Prefecture. For details and the 1300 year history of this mine, see:
The Kamiokande detector achieved a number of important results:
detection of supernova neutrinos (1987)
observation of atmospheric neutrino deficit (1988)
observation of solar neutrinos (1989)
and led to the 2002 Nobel Prize for Masatoshi Koshiba “for pioneering contributions to astrophysics, in particular for the detection of cosmic neutrinos.” See:
The Super-Kamiokande detector has about 20 times larger mass than the Kamiokande detector, a 50,000 ton water Cherenkov detector (22,500 ton fiducial volume, “fiducial volume” is that part of the detector space used for the measurements), with 39m diameter and 42m height, located about 1000m underground. The Super-Kamiokande laboratory is a cooperation with about 170 collaborators from 10 countries. For details, see:
Experimental evidence for neutrino oscillations obtained at the Super-Kamiokande detector were first reported at the NEUTRINO’98 (XVIII International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics in Takayama, Japan June 4-9, 1998).
Solar neutrino oscillations
The solar neutrino problem: the Homestake solar neutrino experiment in the 1960s (B. T. Cleveland; et al. (1998). “Measurement of the Solar Electron Neutrino Flux with the Homestake Chlorine Detector”. Astrophysical Journal. 496 (1): 505–526), and subsequent experiments in the 1980s and 1990s observed solar neutrinos at 1/3 of predicted rates. Later experiments, including experiments at Super-Kamiokande, showed that this apparent deficiency found in the Homestake experiments was due to neutrino oscillations, leading to the 2002 Nobel Prize in Physics for Raymond Davis Jr., Masatoshi Koshiba and Riccardo Giacconi.
Many nuclear power stations are located within a distance of about 180km of KamLAND, enabling the measurement of the energy spectrum of neutrinos from these nuclear reactors, see:
The KamLAND Collaboration, “Constraints on θ13 from A Three-Flavor Oscillation Analysis of Reactor Antineutrinos at KamLAND”, Phys.Rev.D83:052002,2011, https://arxiv.org/abs/1009.4771
Why are neutrinos important?
Neutrino masses are approximately 10 billion (10^10) times smaller than the masses of quarks and charged leptons.
Understanding neutrinos is the key to better understanding elementary particles and the universe.
A neutrino burst of 13 seconds length was observed by the Kamiokande II detector on 27 February 1987, see “Observation of a neutrino burst from the supernova SN1987A” , K. Hirata, T. Kajita, M. Koshiba, M. Nakahata, Y. Oyama, N. Sato, A. Suzuki, M. Takita, Y. Totsuka, T. Kifune, T. Suda, K. Takahashi, T. Tanimori, K. Miyano, M. Yamada, E. W. Beier, L. R. Feldscher, S. B. Kim, A. K. Mann, F. M. Newcomer, R. Van, W. Zhang, and B. G. Cortez, Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 1490 – Published 6 April 1987, https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.58.1490
The Super-Kamiokande experiment is now waiting for the next supernova neutrinos, no observations so far, and improvements of the detector are under way.
Future neutrino experiments in Kamioka: Hyper-K
The Hyper-K detector will be used to study:
Neutrino oscillations (CP violation) with J-PARC neutrino beam (1.3MW beam)
atmospheric neutrino oscillations
solar neutrino oscillations
proton decay
supernova neutrinos, and more
Hyper-K has a diameter of 74m and a height of 60m. The total mass is 0.26 million tons, and the fiducial volume is 0.19 million tons. Construction is planned to begin in 2020, and experiments will begin around 2017. Hyper-K is a cooperation of about 300 people from 15 countries. For details see:
Japanese basic science with large research infrastructures
Before 2000 the Japanese government approved a number of large science projects:
12GeV Proton Synchrotron (1971~),
Nobeyama 45m Radio Telescope (1980~),
TRISTAN e+e- collider (1981~),
Large Helical Device (LHD, 1990~),
Super-Kamiokande (1991~),
Subaru Telescope (1991~),
KEK-B (1994~),
J-PARC (2001~),
ALMA(2004~), and more
Building new large scale research infrastructure has almost stopped since 2000. Therefore the Science Council of Japan proposed a new program:
“on the promotion of large scale projects in basic science” (2007)
the Science Council of Japan established the “Large-scale scientific projects study subcommittee” (2008), with scientific evaluation of the large scientific projects, leading to the Master Plan 2010.
Master Plans of the Science Council of Japan
2010: 43 high priority large projects
2011: 46 high priority large projects
2014: 27 high priority large projects, 192 large projects
2017: 28 high priority large projects, 163 large projects
The total budget of Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) for the Large Science Project area has been shrinking over recent years, from around 39 billion yen in 2004 to 32 billion yen in 2017.
Experiments at Kamiokande, Super-Kamiokande and KamLAND contribute to neutrino physics and astrophysics
Hyper-Kamiokande will continue to contribute
Japan has established a system of a Master Plan and a Roadmap to select and support large science projects now and in the future.
Takaaki Kajita: Neutrino research in Kamioka and the status of Japanese basic science with large research infrastructuresTakaaki Kajita: Neutrino research in Kamioka and the status of Japanese basic science with large research infrastructuresTakaaki Kajita: Neutrino research in Kamioka and the status of Japanese basic science with large research infrastructures
NTT DOCOMO driving digital transformation in the 5G era – co-create new values with partners, 11th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 20 February 2019
Hiroshi Nakamura, NTT DOCOMO Inc. Executive Vice-President & CTO, Member of the Board of Directors, Executive General Manager of R&D Innovation Division
Hiroshi Nakamura: NTT DOCOMO driving digital transformation in the 5G era – co-create new values with partners
Summary written by Gerhard Fasol
Sharing our future around 202x – 5G is just around the corner in 2020
Driving digital transformation with 5G and AI
The main benefits to be expected from driving the digital transformation forward is (1) new value creation for customers, and (2) resolution of social issues, via drastic improvement of UI/UX, creation of innovative services and productivity improvement. Tools for this transformation are IoT, AI, 5G, AR/VR, and the cloud.
The most important characteristics of 5G enabling new services are:
high speed, high capacity, peak rate to 20Gbs
low latency, transmission delay in radio segment around 1 ms, necessary eg for remote control of equipment
massive device connectivity, concurrent connections up to 1 million (10^6) devices/square kilometer.
5G standardization recommendations can be found here:
M.2083 : IMT Vision – “Framework and overall objectives of the future development of IMT for 2020 and beyond”, Recommendation M.2083-0 (09/2015)
5G communication experiment in the world’s first ultra high-speed mobile environment at 300 km/h in April 2018
Japan’s Shinkansen high-speed trains travel at speeds up to 300 km/h therefore NTT DOCOMO rented a racetrack for experiments of 5G communications at 300 km/h.
New value creation via co-creation with partners
DOCOMO 5G Open Lab (TM)
Since February 2018 NTT DOCOMO operates the DOCOMO 5G Open Partner Program to develop 5G solutions with partners. “DOCOMO 5G Open Labs” have been opened in Tokyo, Yotsuya (April 2018), Osaka (September 2018) and in Okinawa (January 2018), and so far 2,052 companies and organizations have joined from a wide range of industries.
DOCOMO 5G Open Cloud (TM)
DOCOMO 5G Open Cloud links DOCOMO assets, partner assets, public cloud (Amazon AWS and Google) and directly connects with DOCOMO 5G Open Labs in Yotsuya, Osaka and Okinawa.
5G Open Partnership
As of 7 January 2019, DOCOMO has 2052 partners in the 5G Open Partnership from a wide range of industries:
service (24%)
retail and restaurants (21%)
manufacturing (15%)
media (12%)
finance and insurance (5%)
local governments (4%)
construction (4%)
transportation (4%)
infrastructure (3%)
medical (3%)
other (5%)
DOCOMO has created 122 business cases through co-creation with partners. Application areas include:
health disparities
factory, hazardous work
work style reform
regional vitalization
disaster preparedness
Service example (1): remote control of construction equipment to resolve shortage of operators
Operating excavation equipment and bulldozers is highly skilled work, and such work is needed all over Japan. Remote operation from central control rooms would allow a skilled operator to remotely operate equipment at construction sites without needing to travel to these locations saving time. 5Gs high data speed and short latency is necessary for remote operation.
Service example (2) medical examination of pregnant women using next-gen examination vehicle
Service example (3) sports stadium solution – provide new sports viewing experience
Example: 4K public viewing at the ANA Windsurfing World Cup Yokosuka (10-15 May 2018)
TV crews have to carry large amounts of cables and heavy equipment to enable live transmissions. 5G enables high resolution movies and close-ups, for example using drones.
Hiroshi Nakamura: NTT DOCOMO driving digital transformation in the 5G era – co-create new values with partnersHiroshi Nakamura: NTT DOCOMO driving digital transformation in the 5G era – co-create new values with partnersHiroshi Nakamura: NTT DOCOMO driving digital transformation in the 5G era – co-create new values with partnersHiroshi Nakamura: NTT DOCOMO driving digital transformation in the 5G era – co-create new values with partners11th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 20 February 2019Takaaki Kajita: Neutrino research in Kamioka and the status of Japanese basic science with large research infrastructures11th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 201911th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 2019
Quantum Computing and Quantum Simulation with Cold Atoms, 11th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 20 February 2019
Peter Zoller, University of Innsbruck, Professor of Physics, Director at the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information
Peter Zoller: Quantum Computing and Quantum Simulation with Cold Atoms
summary written by Gerhard Fasol
Entanglement and Schrödinger’s cat
In his 1935 article, “Die gegenwärtige Situation der Quantenmechanik” Erwin Schrödinger introduced “Schrödinger’s cat” in a thought experiment, where he couples quantum mechanics with the macroscopic world. For his thought experiment took a mechanism which would couple radioactive decay of a single atom to the killing of a cat via a flask with poison activated by a Geiger counter measuring the radiation from radioactive decay, killing the cat in case decay is detected. Since the quantum mechanical wave function of the atom is an oscillating superposition of the decayed and non-decayed state, the coupling (Verschränkung, entanglement) enforces a superposition of the wave function for the dead cat with that of the life cat inside the box.
Rolf Landauer: “information is physical”
All information processing is governed by the law of physics, all computers are governed by the laws of physics (Rolf Landauer, IBM):
our present computers process information according to the laws of classical physics
“at a fundamental level nature obeys the laws of quantum theory. At a fundamental level information science must be a quantum information science.” (David Deutsch, Oxford)
Quantum computing has several functions:
Technology: to beat Moore’s law, limited when devices approach single atom levels
Computer science: compute problems with new complexity classes, e.g. in encryption which currently relies on the complexity of splitting integers into its prime number factors with computers using classical physics
Physics: learn about quantum theory
First and second quantum revolution
First quantum revolution (1900-1926):
Max Planck
Niels Bohr
Erwin Schrödinger
Werner Heisenberg
Second quantum revolution (1935- ):
Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen paradox (EPR paradox) (A. Einstein, B. Podolsky, N. Rosen, “Can quantum-mechanical description of physical reality be considered complete?”, Physical Review, 47, 777 (1935))
Schrödinger’s cat (1935)
Richard Feynman (Richard P Feynman, “Simulating physics with computers”, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 21, (No. 6/7), 467 (1982))
Peter Shor: Shor’s algorithm
David Deutsch
Classical bit versus quantum-bit (quit)
a classical bit has two states: 0 or 1
a quantum bit (quit) consists of a superposition of the wave functions for |0> and |1>
Classical register versus quantum register
a classical register consisting of n bits (flip-flops) can be in 2^n states, e.g. a register consisting of 3 bits can be in 2^3 = 8 states (eg 011 -> number 3, 100 -> number 4, 101 -> number 5). However, a classical register can only store one number at a particular time.
a quantum register of size n consists of n qubits. A quantum register is able to store all possibilities spanned by all n qubits at the same time.
Which technologies for quantum computers?
Different technologies are explored to develop quantum computers including: cavity OED, quantum dots, Nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers in diamonds, superconducting devices, trapped ions…
What can we do with a quantum computer?
Encryption and secure communications
Quantum computers are vastly more efficient for certain types of problems. As an example, modern encryption technology relies on an asymmetry: it is very fast to multiply two prime numbers, but it takes impossibly long to factorize a very large integer into its prime number components.
As an example, factorizing a 500 digit number into its prime number components would take the age of the universe with current classical computers, while a quantum computer using Shor’s algorithm can perform this task in 2 seconds.
Therefore quantum computers can be used to build new systems for secure communications.
Quantum simulation of quantum materials
Quantum simulators can be envisaged as special purpose quantum computers to design new quantum materials, new drugs, and study fundamental physics.
An example from fundamental physics investigations using quantum computers is recent work by a cooperation including Professor Peter Zoller’s Innsbruck group:
Esteban A. Martinez, Christine Muschik, Philipp Schindler, Daniel Nigg, Alexander Erhard, Markus Heyl, Philipp Hauke, Marcello Dalmonte, Thomas Monz, Peter Zoller, and Rainer Blatt, “Real-time dynamics of lattice gauge theories with a few-qubit quantum computer”, Nature 534, 516-519 (2016), DOI: 10.1038/nature18318
This work is in the spirit of Richard Feynman’s proposal to use computers based on quantum mechanics to simulate nature.
The Innsbruck Quantum Cloud
The Innsbruck University Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information has built the “Innsbruck Quantum Cloud”, consisting of a quantum feedback loop between classical computers and a 20-qubit trapped ion quantum co-processor to investigate physics problems. Here an example of recent work: C. Kokail, C. Maier, R. van Bijnen, T. Brydges, M. K. Joshi, P. Jurcevic, C. A. Muschik, P. Silvi, R. Blatt, C.F. Roos and P. Zoller, “Self-Verifying Variational Quantum Simulation of the Lattice Schwinger Model” https://arxiv.org/abs/1810.03421
Quantum internet
Satellite links have been built between China and Austria, secured by the laws of quantum physics.
David J. Wineland, Nobel Lecture: Superposition, entanglement, and raising Schrödinger’s cat, Reviews of Modern Physics, 85, 1103, (2013), DOI: 10.1103/RevModPhys.85.1103
Peter Zoller: Quantum Computing and Quantum Simulation with Cold AtomsPeter Zoller: Quantum Computing and Quantum Simulation with Cold AtomsPeter Zoller: Quantum Computing and Quantum Simulation with Cold AtomsPeter Zoller: Quantum Computing and Quantum Simulation with Cold Atoms
Entropy, information and Ludwig Boltzmann, 10th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 20 February 2018
Gerhard Fasol CEO, Eurotechnology Japan KK, Board Director, GMO Cloud KK. former faculty Cambridge University and past Fellow, Trinity College Cambridge
Ludwig Boltzmann 20 February 1844 – 5 September 1906
Ludwig Boltzmann 20 February 1844 – 5 September 1906
We use Ludwig Boltzmann’s results every day. Here are some examples:
The definition of the units of temperature, Kelvin, Celsius, are directly linked to Boltzmann’s constant
The Stefan-Boltzmann radiation law tells us that the total energy emitted by a black body per unit surface area is proportional to the 4th power of the temperature, and allows us to measure temperatures at a distance. For example, the temperature of the surface of the sun can be measured using the Stefan-Boltzmann radiation law
Boltzmann’s formula S = k log W links the macroscopic Entropy with the probability (W = Wahrscheinlichkeit) of a macrostate
Boltzmann’s transport equations are used for many purposes, to simulate carrier transport in semiconductor devices, and to design airplanes, turbine blades and cars
Ludwig Boltzmann’s philosophy of nature contributes to our understanding of nature and our world
Ludwig Boltzmann was proposed several times for the Nobel Prize: 1903, 1905 and three times in 1906, the year he took his life in Duino, Italy.
Ludwig Boltzmann achieved his Matura, Austria’s high-school examination required to enter University education at the age of 19 in 1863.
In 1865, at the age of 21, he published his first research paper entitled “Über die Bewegung der Elektrizität in krummen Flächen” (electricity in curved surfaces). It was the dawn of our electrical age, Maxwell created his Maxwell’s equations in 1861-1862, and on 15 February 1883, 20 years later, Tokyo Dentsu KK received the license to start its electricity business in Tokyo.
Among Ludwig Boltzmann’s teachers were Josef Loschmidt and Jozef Stefan.
Josef Loschmidt proposed structures for 300 chemical compounds including benzene, he determined the number of gas molecules in a given volume and the Loschmidt constant is named after him.
Jozef Stefan created the Stefan-Boltzmann Law with Ludwig Boltzmann, and used it to determine the temperature of the surface of the sun.
Ludwig Boltzmann traveled extensively, was in correspondence and discussions and scientific exchange with most major scientists of the time. He also moved professionally:
University of Vienna
1867-1869 Privat-Dozent
1869-1873 Full Professor of Mathematical Physics in Graz
1873-1876 Full Professor of Mathematics in Vienna
1876-1890 Full Professor at University of Graz, Head of the Institute of Physics
1887-1888 Rektor (President) of the University of Graz
1890-1894 Professor University of München
1894-1900 Professor University of Vienna
1900-1902 Professor of Theoretical Physics University of Leipzig
1902- Professor University of Vienna
Ludwig Boltzmann supported and worked with women:
One of Ludwig Boltzmann’s students was Lise Meitner (November 1878 – 27 October 1968). Lise Meitner was part of Otto Han’s team that discovered nuclear fission, Otto Hahn was awarded the Nobel Prize. Lise Meitner was the second woman to earn a PhD degree in Physics at the University of Vienna. The Element 109, Meitnerium is named about Lise Meitner.
The first President of Osaka University (1931-1934), Nagaoka Kantaro (1865 – 1950) was Ludwig Boltzmann’s student in München around 1892-1893.
The unit of temperature, Celsius or Kelvin, is directly linked to Boltzmann’s constant k
One Kelvin is defined such that the temperature of the triple point of water is exactly 273.16 Kelvin.
For this definition to be reproducible, the water needs to be defined: its defined as VSNOW = Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water.
While this definition may have been best at the time it was set, clearly its not sufficient for today.
When the SI system of physical units will be redefined next year, the definition of the unit of temperature, Kelvin will be:
Kelvin is defined such, that the numerical value of the Boltzmann constant k is equal to exactly 1.380650 x 10^-23 JK^-1.
Thus the unit of temperature Kelvin is directly linked to Boltzmann’s constant.
Entropy measures information, entropy is the measure of information.
Macro-states, determined for example by the macroscopic quantities pressure (p), Volume (V), or Temperature (T), or number of particles (N), contain a very large number of micro-states.
Boltzmann’s Entropy S = k logarithm of the phase volume(= the probability) of a macro-state in terms of the possible micro-states.
Different faces of Entropy
Entropy has many faces
thermodynamic entropy, is a macroscopic state parameter of a system in equilibrium, like temperature, pressure, volume. However, can we measure entropy directly?
microscopic, statistical entropy
Boltzmann Entropy: S = k log W
Gibbs entropy
information theory
Shannon’s entropy
Shannon’s entropy
Shannon: “I thought of calling it “information”. But the word was overly used, so I decided to call it “uncertainty”. When I discussed it with John von Neumann, he had a better idea:
in the first place your uncertainty has been used in statistical mechanics (ie by Boltzmann) under that name, so it already has a name
in the second place, and more importantly, no one knows what entropy really is, so in a debate you will always have the advantage
What can we learn from Ludwig Boltzmann?
Empower young people, recognize and support talent early
LB published first scientific work at age 21
Full Professor at 25
Head of Department at 32
President of University at 43
Talent is not linear – talent is exponential
Move around the world. Connect. Interact.
Empower women (LB promoted many women)
Don’t accept authority for authority’s sake
Science/physics issues need to be treated with the methods of physics/science
No dogmas
Support entrepreneurs (LB supported airplane developers before airplanes existed)
10th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 2018, Tuesday 20 February 2018 at the Embassy of Austria in Tokyo10th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 2018, Tuesday 20 February 2018 at the Embassy of Austria in Tokyo
What is revealed by radiation in living plants, 10th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 20 February 2018
Tomoko Nakanishi Commissioner, Japan Atomic Energy Commission, President, Japan Society for Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences, Tokyo University Professor
Tomoko Nakanishi Commissioner, Japan Atomic Energy Commission, President, Japan Society for Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences, Tokyo University ProfessorTomoko Nakanishi Commissioner, Japan Atomic Energy Commission, President, Japan Society for Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences, Tokyo University ProfessorTomoko Nakanishi Commissioner, Japan Atomic Energy Commission, President, Japan Society for Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences, Tokyo University ProfessorTomoko Nakanishi Commissioner, Japan Atomic Energy Commission, President, Japan Society for Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences, Tokyo University ProfessorTomoko Nakanishi Commissioner, Japan Atomic Energy Commission, President, Japan Society for Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences, Tokyo University ProfessorTomoko Nakanishi Commissioner, Japan Atomic Energy Commission, President, Japan Society for Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences, Tokyo University Professor
Strategy and Serendipity in Science, 10th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 20 February 2018
Hiroyuki Sasaki, Vice-President Kyushu University, Director of the Epigenome Network Research Center, Professor, Medical Institute of Bioregulation
Hiroyuki Sasaki, Vice-President Kyushu University, Director of the Epigenome Network Research Center, Professor, Medical Institute of BioregulationHiroyuki Sasaki, Vice-President Kyushu University, Director of the Epigenome Network Research Center, Professor, Medical Institute of BioregulationHiroyuki Sasaki, Vice-President Kyushu University, Director of the Epigenome Network Research Center, Professor, Medical Institute of BioregulationHiroyuki Sasaki Vice-President Kyushu University, Director of the Epigenome Network Research Center, Professor, Medical Institute of Bioregulation10th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 2018, Tuesday 20 February 2018 at the Embassy of Austria in Tokyo
Nanotechnology and critical raw materials, 10th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 20 February 2018
Wolfgang Kautek, Professor for Physical Chemistry at University of Vienna, Member of Scientific Board of Austrian Research Associations, President of the Erwin Schrödinger Society for Nanosciences (ESG), Chairman of the Research Group “Physical Chemistry” of the Austrian Chemical Society (GÖCh)
Wolfgang Kautek, Professor for Physical Chemistry at University of Vienna, Member of Scientific Board of Austrian Research Associations, President of the Erwin Schrödinger Society for Nanosciences (ESG), Chairman of the Research Group “Physical Chemistry” of the Austrian Chemical Society (GÖCh)
Modern nanotechnology is rapidly advancing in areas such as digital technologies (e.g. flat panel displays), lighting technologies (e.g. White LED’s), electric mobility (high performance permanent magnets for electrical motors), catalysts (e.g. for car exhaust treatment), and medical diagnostics and therapy. These technologies cause an exponential increase of the demand of Critical Raw Materials (“CRMs”, Fig. 1, Table 1).
This is in contrast to a world-wide extremely diverse production concentration and mining activities (Fig. 2) leading to supply risks which are influenced by market concentrations, producer governance indicators, substitutability, and recycling rates.
Therefore, concepts of recourse decoupling, between economic activity and resource use, have to be targeted. Examples of the author’s current research in graphene nanosheets as transparent conductors (Fig. 3) and the laser generation of colloidal nanoparticles for tumor diagnostics (Fig. 4) are discussed in awareness of critical raw material and conflict resources.
10th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 2018, Tuesday 20 February 2018 at the Embassy of Austria in Tokyo
10th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum10th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum Tokyo
Welcome by the Ambassador of Austria, represented by Magister Konstantin Saupe (Embassy of Austria)
Gerhard Fasol CEO Eurotechnology Japan KK, Board Director GMO Cloud KK, Guest-Professor Kyushu University, former faculty Cambridge University and Tokyo University, past Fellow, Trinity College Cambridge “Entropy, Information and Ludwig Boltzmann“
Tomoko Nakanishi Commissioner, Japan Atomic Energy Commission, President, Japan Society for Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences, Tokyo University Professor “What is revealed by radiation in living plants“
Hiroyuki Sasaki Vice-President Kyushu University, Director of the Epigenome Network Research Center, Professor, Medical Institute of Bioregulation “Strategy and Serendipity in Science“
Wolfgang Kautek Professor for Physical Chemistry at University of Vienna, Member of Scientific Board of Austrian Research Associations, President of the Erwin Schrödinger Society for Nanosciences (ESG), Chairman of the Research Group “Physical Chemistry” of the Austrian Chemical Society (GÖCh) “Nanotechnology and Critical Raw Materials“
Gerhard Fasol CEO, Eurotechnology Japan KK, Board Director, GMO Cloud KK. former faculty Cambridge University and past Fellow, Trinity College CambridgeTomoko Nakanishi Commissioner, Japan Atomic Energy Commission President, Japan Society for Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences, Tokyo University ProfessorHiroyuki Sasaki Kyushu University Vice-President, Director of the Epigenome Network Research Center, Professor, Medical Institute of BioregulationWolfgang Kautek Professor for Physical Chemistry at University of Vienna, Member of Scientific Board of Austrian Research Associations, President of the Erwin Schrödinger Society for Nanosciences (ESG), Chairman of the Research Group “Physical Chemistry” of the Austrian Chemical Society (GÖCh)10th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 2018, Tuesday 20 February 2018 at the Embassy of Austria in Tokyo10th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 2018, Tuesday 20 February 2018 at the Embassy of Austria in Tokyo10th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 2018, Tuesday 20 February 2018 at the Embassy of Austria in Tokyo10th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 2018, Tuesday 20 February 2018 at the Embassy of Austria in Tokyo10th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 2018, Tuesday 20 February 2018 at the Embassy of Austria in Tokyo10th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 2018, Tuesday 20 February 2018 at the Embassy of Austria in Tokyo10th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 2018, Tuesday 20 February 2018 at the Embassy of Austria in Tokyo10th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 2018, Tuesday 20 February 2018 at the Embassy of Austria in Tokyo10th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 2018, Tuesday 20 February 2018 at the Embassy of Austria in Tokyo10th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 2018, Tuesday 20 February 2018 at the Embassy of Austria in Tokyo10th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 2018, Tuesday 20 February 2018 at the Embassy of Austria in Tokyo10th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 2018, Tuesday 20 February 2018 at the Embassy of Austria in Tokyo
9th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 2017, Thursday 16 February 2017, at the Embassy of Austria in Tokyo
9th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, Embassy of Austria in Tokyo, 16 March 2017 speakers (left to right): Masato Wakayama, Chuck Casto, Gerhard Fasol, Her Imperial Highness Princess Takamado, Yayoi Kamimura, Minoru Koshibe, Konstantin Saupe (Embassy of Austria)
Welcome by the Ambassador of Austria
Gerhard Fasol CEO, Eurotechnology Japan KK, Board Director, GMO Cloud KK. former faculty Cambridge University and past Fellow, Trinity College Cambridge “Entropy, information and Ludwig Boltzmann”
Chuck Casto Licensed Nuclear Power Station Operator. Was NRC regulator responsible for 23 nuclear power stations. Leader of the US Integrated Government and NRC efforts in Japan during the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011. “Balance of Nuclear Power Policy in Post-Fukushima Japan”
Yayoi Kamimura INTEL, Global Account Executive, previously: NTT Docomo, Director and Head of Business Development & Investment “Innovation – A style in Japan”
9th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum 2017Gerhard Fasol, CEO, Eurotechnology Japan KK, Board Director, GMO Cloud KK. former faculty Cambridge University and past Fellow, Trinity College Cambridge: Entropy, information and Ludwig BoltzmannMasato Wakayama, Executive Vice-President & Trustee, Kyushu University, Distinguished Professor of Mathematics9th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, Embassy of Austria in Tokyo, 16 March 2017Chuck Casto, Licensed Nuclear Power Station Operator. Was NRC regulator responsible for 23 nuclear power stations. Leader of the US Integrated Government and NRC efforts in Japan during the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011.Yayoi Kamimura, INTEL, Global Account Executive, previously: NTT Docomo, Director and Head of Business Development & InvestmentMinoru Koshibe, Mitsui Chemicals, Executive Vice-President, health care business sector and other business sectors9th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, Embassy of Austria in Tokyo, 16 March 2017Makoto Suematsu, President, Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development9th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, Embassy of Austria in Tokyo, 16 March 20179th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, Embassy of Austria in Tokyo, 16 March 20179th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, Embassy of Austria in Tokyo, 16 March 20179th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, Embassy of Austria in Tokyo, 16 March 20179th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, Embassy of Austria in Tokyo, 16 March 20179th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, Embassy of Austria in Tokyo, 16 March 20179th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, Embassy of Austria in Tokyo, 16 March 2017
The Ludwig Boltzmann Forum is invitation only. Contact us here if you are interested to discuss current or future events and cooperations:
We share data in space science, why don’t we share data and expensive equipment in medicine?
AMED. Our Vision: to fast-track medical R&D. Create catalytic systems to fast-track medical R&D for human’s quality of life (QOL)
AMED is financed by three Japanese Government Ministries with a total budget of US$ 1.4 billion in FY2015.
AMED not only offers budgets, but also officers and scientists with new mindsets.
In a way AMED corresponds to the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle:
Amino acids / glucose / lipids correspond to the METI / MEXT / MHLW Ministries.
AMED catalyzes these 3 different substrates to galvanize medical R&D processes.
Brain/MINDS (Brain Mapping by Integrated Neurotechnologies for Disease Studies) project
Purpose of the Brain Mapping by Integrated Neurotechnologies for Disease Studies (Brain/MINDS) project is to map a primate brain to help understand brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and schizophrenia. For an overview see:
Overcoming balkanization: patients’ needs vs physicians’ desire (e.g. to publish papers)
We need to overcome balkanization, and share ideas and data, e.g. we need to overcome the conflicts of interests between patients’ needs and the desire of physicians for example to publish scientific papers. We need to overcome balkanization of sequencers vs physicians, scientists vs bureaucrats, universities vs industry, and especially bureaucrats vs. bureaucrats (e.g. from a different Ministry) etc.
AMED: How to reform medical R&D systems?
make “inflexible and balkanized funding” flexible and unified
promote global alliances to facilitate data sharing
support ARO network in University Hospitals for activating clinical research
optimize peer-review in pilot projects: online in English (partly from FY2016), 5 all-English programs, database of all accepted proposals
overcome “ECG budgets” and promote PPP
social implementation of genomic medicine
Initiative on Rare and Undiagnosed Diseases (IRUD)
Homepage of AMED’s Initiative on Rare and Undiagnosed Diseases (IRUD):
“Orphan: The Quest to Save Children with Rare Genetic Disorders” by Philip R. Reilly, see: http://www.orphanthebook.org
“The Emperor of All Maladies. A biography of cancer.” by Siddhartha Mukherjee (The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer is a book written by Siddhartha Mukherjee, an Indian-born American physician and oncologist. Published on 16 November 2010 by Scribner, it won the 2011 Pulitzer Prize for General Non-Fiction: the jury called it “an elegant inquiry, at once clinical and personal”). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Emperor_of_All_Maladies, https://openlibrary.org/works/OL15686144W/Emperor_of_All_Maladies
Our aim is to overcome the “N-of-1 problem” by data sharing, i.e. we work to find patients with similar rare and undiagnosed diseases.
Why did we start from IRUD?
We want to improve 3 different types of life: life science, diary life and quality of life of patients and family.
We want to stop “research for budgets”, and empower “budgets for research”.
We want to encourage global data sharing, and overcome researcher’s inner biological behavior.
We want to overcome fragmentization of budgets and of expensive machines.
We want to overcome the phenomenon of “Darth Vader-type Professors”.
Data sharing not only for diagnosis, but also for drug discovery.
We respect front-line physicians who help patents who suffer from “diagnostic odyssey”, who are sent from test to test without hearing a valid diagnosis or treatment.
Our IRUD Regional Alliance includes 200 hospitals in Japan. We have more than 2000 registered families, and our program is showing first results with case matches of patients with similar rare diseases with foreign countries.
Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization (ToMMO)
Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization (ToMMO) at Tohoku University provides high quality genome variant data as an open resource: http://www.megabank.tohoku.ac.jp/
On 11 January 2016 we concluded a Memorandum of Cooperation between NIH and AMED.
SCRUM-Japan is a nation-wide, multi-centric cancer genome screening program with headquarters at the National Cancer Center in Kashiwa: http://epoc.ncc.go.jp/scrum/.
SCRUM-Japan is a successful academia-industry cooperation program encouraging data sharing among pharmaceutical sectors. Many major pharmaceutical companies cooperate.
National Clinical Database
The National Clinical Database includes more than 95% of operation data of general surgery in Japan: http://www.ncd.or.jp/
AMED supports the application of the National Clinical Database (NCD) to post-market surveillance of medical devices.
Real World Data (SSMIX 1+2) – Science Information NETwork 5 (SINET5)
Data sharing in AMED: no trust – no sharing: no man is an island.
IRUD & SCRUM-J, using ToMMo with more than 4000 Japanese variants
NCD extension to clinical research
Clinical genomics data base (from FY2016): rare diseases, cancer, infectious diseases, dementia
Central IRB projects
Makoto Suematsu: AMED challenges for global data sharingMakoto Suematsu: AMED challenges for global data sharingMakoto Suematsu: AMED challenges for global data sharingLudwig Boltzmann Forum 2017. Included in the audience: Her Imperial Highness, Princess Takamado, Tetsuhiko Ikegami (former Board Director NTT, Chief of R&D of NTT, Chairman of Japan’s Space Development Agency), Haruo Kawahara (emeritus Chairman of JVC Kenwood), Chuck Casto (former Director for U.S. Government Site Operations related to the Fukushima nuclear plant accident), Minoru Koshibe (Board Director Sr VP Mitsui Chemical, responsibilities: Health Care Business Sector, New Health Care Bus Dev Section, H-Project Divn)
Minoru Koshibe majored in protein crystallography with a Master’s Degree. He started work at a predecessor company in 1978, worked in processor engineering, and later in head quarters in corporate planning.
Mitsui Chemicals was established by merger in 1997. Minoru Koshibe in 2003 joined the fine chemicals division, was involved in the Sankyo Agro acquisition, in the establishment of subsidiaries/affiliates (JPS, HMCI, OPC, YK, JC and others), and in M&A (Acumen, KOC, Hereaus Kulzer)
Minoru Koshibe worked 17 years in manufacturing, basic chemicals, R&D, construction and production,
9 years in the function chemicals business sector, and
12 years in corporate planning, and business planning.
About the Mitsui Chemicals Group
Our corporate mission is:
Contribute broadly to society by providing high-quality products and services to customers through innovation and the creation of materials, while keeping in harmony with the global environment
And our corporate target is:
Constantly pursuing innovation and growth to become a chemical group with an undisputed global presence
Founded: 01 October 1997 by merger, however Omuta Works started operation in 1912, so including predecessor companies Mitsui Chemicals has over 100 years history
Paid in capital: YEN 125 billion
Subsidiaries and affiliates: 133 (55 in Japan, 17 in the Americas, 20 in Europe, 16 in China, 7 in Singapore, and 18 elsewhere
Employees: 13,600 (9,300 in Japan, 1,350 in the Americas, 1,100 in Europe, 800 in China, and 1,050 elsewhere
Basic materials (45%): gas pipes, bi-phenol, methyl methacrylate, PET resins, polyurethane
Origins and history of the Mitsui Chemicals Group:
1912. Contribute to solving food shortages caused by rapid population growth: manufacture raw materials for fertilizers from exhaust gas, a byproduct of coal business
1932. Contribute to preserve our indigo culture: achieve Japan’s first successful production of indigo dye by using chemical technology
1958. Contribute to industrial modernization. Construct Japan’s first petrochemical complex.
MCI 2025 Basic Strategies
Pursue innovation
Accelerate global expansion
Strengthen competitiveness of existing businesses
Strategy for our Healthcare Domain
FY2016: Operating income = YEN 15 billion
FY2025: Operating income = YEN 45 billion + new business
Creation of new products
vision: functional ophthalmic lens line-up
hygiene: new functional nonwovens
personal: new products for detergent and cosmetics
oral: 3D printers and laser milling machines
Strengthen existing businesses
vision: sales activities in North America, China and India
hygiene: high functional nonwovens
personal: licensing business
oral: periodontal disease treatment drugs, IoT and network solution business, denture and OSA mouthpiece business in North America
New business
vision: electronic glasses (see in the photographs below: Mr Minoru Koshibe was wearing prototype electronic glasses during the keynote lecture)
personal: surgical materials, physical mobility
oral: new domains of dental materials
hygiene: specialized products
oral: dental business in India, ASEAN, Middle East and Eastern-Europe, dentures and OSA mouthpieces in Europe and Asia
Strategy for our healthcare domain: fusion of materials and IT, realization of personalized healthcare, open innovation
Super Aging Society is coming soon
As regenerative medicine technology advances, life expectancy might increase to 100 years age by the year 2050
Japan’s population has peaked around 125 million around 2010, and may decrease to around 50 million by 2100
When asked for their biggest regret in life, 70% of old people answer: Not to have taken on challenges:
Lets live to accomplish your purpose!
Lets make a meaningful life!
Lets change our thinking about aging: instead of seeing old age as a decrease in value, lets see old age as seniority, as increasing value through knowledge, challenges and experience!
Concern about Japanese Conglomerates
Over the last 20 years the “earning power” of Japanese companies decreased compared with other major countries.
Market capitalization (corporate value) of Japanese corporations is falling behind compared to both Western countries and emerging countries:
The stock index FY2016 / FY1990:
Japan = 0.7
USA = 7
Germany = 7
India = 24
China = 24
Indonesia = 12
thus while the stock index has grown 7 times both in Germany and USA, and grown 24 times in India and China, it has actually fallen by 30% in Japan.
Market capitalization FY2015 / FY1990:
Japan = 1.7
USA = 8.1
Germany = 4.8
India = 5.4
China = 16
Indonesia = 5.3
while the market capitalization has grown 8.1 times in USA, 4.8 times in Germany, and grown 5.4 times in India and 16 times in China, it has only grown 1.7 times in Japan.
Capital markets are actually highly complex systems including the markets (stock exchanges) investors, intermediaries, are influenced by disclosures and governance rules. We need to improve the system as a whole, as well as its parts, to improve the performance of Japanese corporations.
In the past technology was made for people, e.g. airplanes and jets. In future more and more products will be made for robots, drones and other machines. Where is the place for people in such a world?
Lets build a society where technology (robots) and people can coexist!
Minoru Koshibe: Growth and innovation at Mitsui ChemicalsMinoru Koshibe: Growth and innovation at Mitsui ChemicalsMinoru Koshibe: Growth and innovation at Mitsui ChemicalsMinoru Koshibe: Growth and innovation at Mitsui ChemicalsMinoru Koshibe: Growth and innovation at Mitsui Chemicals (Mr Minoru Kishibe is wearing and demonstrating prototype electronic glasses)Minoru Koshibe: Growth and innovation at Mitsui Chemicals (Mr Minoru Kishibe is wearing and demonstrating prototype electronic glasses)Minoru Koshibe: Growth and innovation at Mitsui Chemicals (Mr Minoru Kishibe is wearing and demonstrating prototype electronic glasses)Minoru Koshibe: Growth and innovation at Mitsui ChemicalsMinoru Koshibe: Growth and innovation at Mitsui ChemicalsMakoto Suematsu: AMED challenges for global data sharingMakoto Suematsu: AMED challenges for global data sharingMakoto Suematsu: AMED challenges for global data sharing
20 years experience in open innovation, services alliance and JV with foreign companies
originally investment banker
promote innovation to customers with cutting edge Silicon Valley technology
Joint ventures and investments: PLDT, Sri Lanka Telecom, StarHub, Codelco, TT&T
Service alliances and collaborations: runtastic for docomo, Toyota, M-TV, SEGA
Anti-Fraud App: “hi its me” fraud crime exceeds US$ 400 million/year in Japan. Recently launched anti-mobile fraud app to protect the elderly population from these types of crime. The system monitors suspicious in-coming calls to the elderly, then sends alerts to their family
Snap shots: Macro view on Japan’s innovation landscape
R&D and patent applications
2016 R&D expenditure vs GDP
USA: GDP (PPP) = US$ 18,559 Bill, R&D 2.77% of GDP
China: GDP (PPP) = US$ 20,015 Bill, R&D 1.98% of GDP
Japan: GDP (PPP) = US$ 4,913 Bill, R&D 3.39% of GDP
Germany: GDP (PPP) = US$ 3,741 Bill, R&D 2.92% of GDP
Patent applications by Chinese companies have been sky-rocketing since 2000, while patent applications by US, Korean and European companies are steadily increasing, patent applications by Japanese corporations have peaked around 2000, and have been decreasing ever since 2000.
Japan is trailing in R&D efficiency, defined as total value add in the last 4 years / total $ spent for R&D between 8-6 years ago:
While R&D efficiency in USA and Germany is similar between 80-90 times during the last 10 years, R&D efficiency in Japan has dropped from 80 times in the 1990s to near 60 times currently.
Venture Capital and start-ups
With only 3.7% of the population, Japan has one of the lowest ratios of entrepreneurs in the world.
In countries like Zambia, Nigeria or Ethiopia the entrepreneur population is on the order of 40% of the population.
In China, USA, Canada, the entrepreneur population is on the order of 12-14%.
In Japan the entrepreneur population is only 3.7% – similar to France, Belgium, Germany.
Venture Capital Funding is shockingly low in Japan
VC Funding 2016:
USA: VC Funding US$ 60 billion
China: VC Funding US$ 20 billion
Japan: VC Funding US$ 2 billion
Start-up ecosystem
Japan does not appear in rankings of the “hottest start-up ecosystems” (source: Spark Labs Global Venture):
Silicon Valley
Tel Aviv
New York
Los Angeles
Start-up ecosystems require:
startup culture
engineering talent
technology infrastructure
economic foundation
funding and exits
active monitoring
legal and policy infrastructure
government policy and programs
As a result of “Digital-Capital” mobile internet unicorns in Q1 2015, which include Facebook at the top, only three Japanese “unicorns” appear in the ranking: DeNA, GREE, and Cookpad.
USA has a large number of young companies, established since the 1970s with high market caps, e.g. Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon etc.
Japan has only one single such company: SoftBank.
What can we change today?
In the public domain we need changes:
Education system, STEM: coding population, diversity, gender gap bridges
Public sector R&D: DARPA like organization, TAX breaks
Policy change: deregulation, promotion or open innovation, funds flow, capital markets
Universities and research agencies: more funds, clear goal set and PDCA
In the private domain we need changes:
Organization: double decker structure, CVC
Management: vision and target setting, acquisition & development rather than R&D / not NIH, start-up inclusion
Process: PDCA, SPEED, ROI monitoring
People: talent, skilled labor, IP and Legal, Standardization
We need entrepreneurs, especially those who can compete globally
We need many more coding population in face of the software defined economy, we need to rewrite our DNA
We need to expand the funds flow to startups, from public sector and from private capital markets
Japan is now facing big challenges and global competition to even keep the status quo in innovation
Both public and private level, we should rewrite our DNA and accelerate the rejuvenation our economy
Innovation happens where money is. We should be ready to invest in more riskier assets of start-ups, both on private and public level. And the money does flow where returns are sound
Build our ecosystems and gain the momentum to maximize innovation, producing next generations of Sony, Honda, Toyota… they were all ventures at their start
Large enterprises transform themselves and/or we welcome the rise of new generation entrepreneur players
Yayoi Kamimura: Innovation – A style in JapanYayoi Kamimura: Innovation – A style in JapanYayoi Kamimura: Innovation – A style in JapanYayoi Kamimura: Innovation – A style in JapanLudwig Boltzmann Forum 2017Yayoi Kamimura: Innovation – A style in Japan
Balance of Nuclear Power Policy in Post-Fukushima Japan
Chuck Casto
keynote talk given at 9th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, Embassy of Austria in Tokyo, 16 March 2017
by Chuck Casto Licensed Nuclear Power Station Operator. Was NRC regulator responsible for 23 nuclear power stations. Leader of the US Integrated Government and NRC efforts in Japan during the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011
Chuck Casto: Balance of Nuclear Power Policy in Post-Fukushima Japan
Five crisis – all five crisis must be solved
The Fukushima nuclear disaster is not a triple crisis, as sometimes stated, but five crisis:
nuclear plants, including clean-up
social impacts
All five crisis must be addressed, and a system solution must be found and implemented.
The Fukushima Dai Ichi nuclear disaster was caused by a system failure both of the Government and the Utility (Tokyo Electric Power, TEPCO)
The nuclear disaster was caused by a long list of failures and mistakes, not by one single factor:
the plant was constructed at the wrong place
the well known Tsunami history was ignored, land was lowered to near sea level to save money for pumping water, exposing the nuclear plant to Tsunamis
Lessons from Chernobyl were not learnt, incorrect venting procedures were used
Mistakes in emergency planning and crisis leadership: there was not enough planning for the case of accidents
Lessons from the US 9/11 terror attack were ignored, and US advice was rejected: no backup electricity was provided
A misalignment of values
Policy imbalance between power and responsibility
Instead of the prevalent “safety myth”, we must start from the position that accidents can happen.
The balance of power and responsibility
Which group has the legal power and who has the legal responsibility?
Misalignment of values held by (1) nuclear utilities, (2) the public and (3) the Government leads to distrust, and as a result doubt, uncertainty, fear, anxiety, insults, anger, and loss of trust in the system.
The values need to be realigned to create a system to protect public health and the environment.
We must have a clear legal basis for roles and responsibilities.
The utilities (electric power companies) need to be ultimately responsibly.
There is a public and government reluctance to give the utilities clear and sole responsibility.
Lessons from the Three Mile Island Accident
Before the Three Mile Island Accident we had an imbalance between:
the power of the utility (the nuclear plant operator)
the responsibility of state and federal authorities
the public
This imbalance was corrected and rebalanced after the Three Mile Island accident:
the law was changed regarding risk: the law demands now a “reasonable assurance”
the regulator was strengthened
an industry excellence organization was formed
Similarly in Japan we need to rebalance the system of power, responsibility and accountability of all players:
The pyramid of power needs to be with the Government and the Diet on top:
Government and the Diet
Government agencies and ministries
Extra-government organizations
Prefectures and Local governments
Nuclear utilities, nuclear plant operators
Public and non-governmental organizations
This power pyramid needs to be balanced with responsibility and accountability of:
Nuclear utilities, nuclear plant operators
Government agencies and ministries
Government and the Diet
Extra-government organizations
Prefectures and nuclear utilities
Public and non-governmental organizations
Japan’s system failure needs a Japanese solution, not a US or EU solution
…and the cleanup of the Fukushima disaster zone is absolutely essential for a restart of nuclear power in Japan.
Nuclear crisis: the Fukushima disaster area must be restored for new land use, to prove that future accidents will be cleaned up, and to give hope to residents
Social crisis: public health communication is necessary
Policy crisis: Japan’s Diet (Parliament) needs to hold a national dialogue on nuclear power and risk, who should have the power, who should have the responsibility and what level risk is acceptable
Balanced regulatory oversight needs to be established, and the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) needs proper oversight.
Chuck Casto: Balance of Nuclear Power Policy in Post-Fukushima JapanChuck Casto: Balance of Nuclear Power Policy in Post-Fukushima JapanChuck Casto: Balance of Nuclear Power Policy in Post-Fukushima JapanChuck Casto: Balance of Nuclear Power Policy in Post-Fukushima JapanChuck Casto: Balance of Nuclear Power Policy in Post-Fukushima JapanChuck Casto: Balance of Nuclear Power Policy in Post-Fukushima JapanChuck Casto: Balance of Nuclear Power Policy in Post-Fukushima Japan
keynote talk given at 9th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, Embassy of Austria in Tokyo, 16 March 2017
by Masato Wakayama Executive Vice-President & Trustee, Kyushu University, Distinguished Professor of Mathematics
(Summary of Professor Masato Wakayama’s talk written by Gerhard Fasol)
Two important energies: hydrogen energy and prime number energy
Hydrogen drives the hydrogen economy
Prime numbers are at the core of encryption, the RSA Cryptosystem
Prime number were discovered almost 2500 years ago by the Pythagorean school in ancient Greece: the infinitude of primes, and the unique prime decomposition of integers.
2017 and Ludwig Eduard Boltzmann (LEB)
2017 is prime in Z (the set of all integers), i.e. indecomposable.
However, Theorem:
2017 = |LEB|^2 in Z[i] where i = sqrt(-1), i.e. Gaussian integers
“Manyo-shuu” Voll.11 (2542)
Ever since I started to sleep on the hand of
my new wife as a pillow, soft as young grass/
It is no longer possible to be separated from
her over night/ How could I, when there is not
a speck of hate in my heart
Historical background in Japan
1603 – 1868, Edo period, Samurai era
We had a peaceful period in Japan, and Japan was a closed country.
In 1674 discovered the determinant, earlier than the discovery by Leibniz in 1683.
He discovered Bernoulli numbers independently around the same time as Jacobi Bernoulli.
He discovered:
derivatives and integrals (in the West: Newton, Leibniz)
but, there was no discovery of the fundamental theorem of Calculus.
Mathematics votive tablets (san-gaku) featuring mathematical puzzles, mainly Euclidean Geometry.
1868 – 1912, Meiji Period, opening of Japan
Social system, law were imported from Britain
Science, technology were imported from Germany
Culture and arts were imported from France
In pure Mathematics, Göttingen in Germany was the leading center, and pure mathematics was imported from Göttingen to Japan
Applied mathematics was much harder to import to Japan.
1926 – 1989: Showa period, from 1989: Heisei period
Japan’s period of fast growth.
Japan had many strong applied mathematicians before high performance computers were developed in the mid-1990s, but they were not regarded or valued as mathematicians.
After the introduction of high performance computers, applied mathematics decreased in emphasis in Japan.
The Policy Study No. 12 of 2006 by NISTEP (of MEXT) created a shock for Japan’s mathematics community: the report wrote “Japanese mathematics is not as strong as we had expected”:
“Mathematics as deserted science in Japanese S&T policy” ― Current situation on mathematical sciences research in major countries and need for mathematical sciences from the science in Japan ―
May 2006
by: Moritaka Hosotsubo, Yuko Ito, Terutaka Kuwahara
The main reason for this weakness was found to be the weakness and decreasing numbers of applied mathematics, and applied mathematicians.
The report stated: “It is desirable to have the same percentage of workers in the private sector of research and development as the West, which is 65%. However, in Japan the percentage in the private sector is only 26%. This shortage and nearly 40% gap relative to the West must be overcome”
At the same time, there was a world-wide trend in favor of mathematics for industrial technologies:
As a consequence, MEXT commissioned an investigation project “Investigation and estimation of promotion of cooperation of mathematics and mathematical science with other fields – Toward a proposal for the 4th governmental science & technology master plan”
(October 2009 – March 2010)
Implementing organizations were:
Kyushu University (Main),
University of Tokyo,
Mathematical Society of Japan,
Nippon Steel Company.
And the representative was: Masato Wakayama (Kyushu University)
We investigated and estimated the activities of mathematics and mathematical science, and those of their cooperation with the other fields that have been implemented in Japan, and thereby gained ideas for making a proposal to the Japanese government for promoting mathematics and for strengthening cooperation with various fields surrounding mathematics.
As a consequence of this investigation project:
The 4th Governmental Science & Technology Basic Plan (2011) of the Prime Minister’s Council of Science and Technology Policy (CSTP) for the first time ever stated that Mathematical Sciences are important and should be promoted.
The Mathematics Innovation Unit was established in MEXT
The Committee of Innovation by and for Mathematics was established by the Committee of Science and Technology (2011)
MEXT organized 22 workshops in mathematics and 36 workshops in mathematical sciences and math-for-industry
Cooperations with Mathematics programs and several leading schools of mathematics
2016: The 5th Governmental Science and Technology master plan again emphasizes mathematical science
Some resulting research programs:
Alliance for breakthrough between mathematics and sciences (ABMS), leader: Yasumasa Nishiura (WPI Advanced Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University) JST CREST/PREST 2007-2016
Modeling methods allied with modern mathematics, leader: Takashi Tsuboi (Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo) JST CREST 2014-
Collaborative mathematics for real world issues, leader: Hiroshi Kobuku (Dept of Mathematics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto Univ) JST PREST 2014-
Meiji Institute for Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciences (MIMS), leader: Ichiro Hagiwara (Director Meiji University) 2007 –
The Casimir effect (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casimir_effect) leads to attraction between opposite mirrors in a vacuum, which are spaced a short distance apart, due to electro-magnetic wave fluctuations in the vacuum. The Casimir effect was first predicted in 1948 by Hendrick Casimir (1909-2000), and first measured by Steve K. Lamoreaux 1996.
An equivalent effect exists between ships which are spaced close to each other, see: SL Boersma, “A maritime analogy of the Casimir effect,” Am. J. Phys. 64, 539–541 (1996), http://dx.doi.org/10.1119/1.18150.
Derivation of the Casimir effect shows that the force between the two plates is directly related to Riemann’s zeta function, which again is directly connected with prime numbers.
Masato Wakayama: Endeavors for Mathematics for Industry in JapanMasato Wakayama: Endeavors for Mathematics for Industry in JapanLudwig Boltzmann Forum 2017Masato Wakayama: Endeavors for Mathematics for Industry in Japan
keynote talk given at 9th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, Embassy of Austria in Tokyo, 16 March 2017
Ludwig Boltzmann 20 February 1844 – 5 September 1906
by Gerhard Fasol CEO, Eurotechnology Japan KK, Board Director, GMO Cloud KK. former faculty Cambridge University and past Fellow, Trinity College Cambridge
We use Ludwig Boltzmann’s results every day. Here are some examples:
The definition of the units of temperature, Kelvin, Celsius, are directly linked to Boltzmann’s constant
The Stefan-Boltzmann radiation law tells us that the total energy emitted by a black body per unit surface area is proportional to the 4th power of the temperature, and allows us to measure temperatures at a distance. For example, the temperature of the surface of the sun can be measured using the Stefan-Boltzmann radiation law
Boltzmann’s formula S = k log W links the macroscopic Entropy with the probability (W = Wahrscheinlichkeit) of a macrostate
Boltzmann’s transport equations are used for many purposes, to simulate carrier transport in semiconductor devices, and to design airplanes, turbine blades and cars
Ludwig Boltzmann’s philosophy of nature contributes to our understanding of nature and our world
Ludwig Boltzmann was proposed several times for the Nobel Prize: 1903, 1905 and three times in 1906, the year he took his life in Duino, Italy.
Ludwig Boltzmann achieved his Matura, Austria’s high-school examination required to enter University education at the age of 19 in 1863.
In 1865, at the age of 21, he published his first research paper entitled “Über die Bewegung der Elektrizität in krummen Flächen” (electricity in curved surfaces). It was the dawn of our electrical age, Maxwell created his Maxwell’s equations in 1861-1862, and on 15 February 1883, 20 years later, Tokyo Dentsu KK received the license to start its electricity business in Tokyo.
Among Ludwig Boltzmann’s teachers were Josef Loschmidt and Jozef Stefan.
Josef Loschmidt proposed structures for 300 chemical compounds including benzene, he determined the number of gas molecules in a given volume and the Loschmidt constant is named after him.
Jozef Stefan created the Stefan-Boltzmann Law with Ludwig Boltzmann, and used it to determine the temperature of the surface of the sun.
Ludwig Boltzmann traveled extensively, was in correspondence and discussions and scientific exchange with most major scientists of the time. He also moved professionally:
University of Vienna
1867-1869 Privat-Dozent
1869-1873 Full Professor of Mathematical Physics in Graz
1873-1876 Full Professor of Mathematics in Vienna
1876-1890 Full Professor at University of Graz, Head of the Institute of Physics
1887-1888 Rektor (President) of the University of Graz
1890-1894 Professor University of München
1894-1900 Professor University of Vienna
1900-1902 Professor of Theoretical Physics University of Leipzig
1902- Professor University of Vienna
Ludwig Boltzmann supported and worked with women:
One of Ludwig Boltzmann’s students was Lise Meitner (November 1878 – 27 October 1968). Lise Meitner was part of Otto Han’s team that discovered nuclear fission, Otto Hahn was awarded the Nobel Prize. Lise Meitner was the second woman to earn a PhD degree in Physics at the University of Vienna. The Element 109, Meitnerium is named about Lise Meitner.
The first President of Osaka University (1931-1934), Nagaoka Kantaro (1865 – 1950) was Ludwig Boltzmann’s student in München around 1892-1893.
The unit of temperature, Celsius or Kelvin, is directly linked to Boltzmann’s constant k
One Kelvin is defined such that the temperature of the triple point of water is exactly 273.16 Kelvin.
For this definition to be reproducible, the water needs to be defined: its defined as VSNOW = Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water.
While this definition may have been best at the time it was set, clearly its not sufficient for today.
When the SI system of physical units will be redefined next year, the definition of the unit of temperature, Kelvin will be:
Kelvin is defined such, that the numerical value of the Boltzmann constant k is equal to exactly 1.380650 x 10^-23 JK^-1.
Thus the unit of temperature Kelvin is directly linked to Boltzmann’s constant.
Entropy measures information, entropy is the measure of information.
Macro-states, determined for example by the macroscopic quantities pressure (p), Volume (V), or Temperature (T), or number of particles (N), contain a very large number of micro-states.
Boltzmann’s Entropy S = k logarithm of the phase volume(= the probability) of a macro-state in terms of the possible micro-states.
Different faces of Entropy
Entropy has many faces
thermodynamic entropy, is a macroscopic state parameter of a system in equilibrium, like temperature, pressure, volume. However, can we measure entropy directly?
microscopic, statistical entropy
Boltzmann Entropy: S = k log W
Gibbs entropy
information theory
Shannon’s entropy
Shannon’s entropy
Shannon: “I thought of calling it “information”. But the word was overly used, so I decided to call it “uncertainty”. When I discussed it with John von Neumann, he had a better idea:
in the first place your uncertainty has been used in statistical mechanics (ie by Boltzmann) under that name, so it already has a name
in the second place, and more importantly, no one knows what entropy really is, so in a debate you will always have the advantage
What can we learn from Ludwig Boltzmann?
Empower young people, recognize and support talent early
LB published first scientific work at age 21
Full Professor at 25
Head of Department at 32
President of University at 43
Talent is not linear – talent is exponential
Move around the world. Connect. Interact.
Empower women (LB promoted many women)
Don’t accept authority for authority’s sake
Science/physics issues need to be treated with the methods of physics/science
No dogmas
Support entrepreneurs (LB supported airplane developers before airplanes existed)
9th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, Embassy of Austria in Tokyo, 16 March 20179th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, Embassy of Austria in Tokyo, 16 March 2017 speakers (left to right): Masato Wakayama, Chuck Casto, Gerhard Fasol, Her Imperial Highness Princess Takamado, Yayoi Kamimura, Minoru Koshibe, Konstantin Saupe (Embassy of Austria)
keynote given at the Ludwig Boltzmann Forum on women’s development and leadership, Tokyo, Monday 16 May 2016
by Dame Carol Black DBE FRCP FMedSci, Principal of Newnham College, Cambridge University, and Expert Adviser on Health and Work, Department of Health and Public Health England
(Summary of Dame Carol Black’s keynote written by Gerhard Fasol)
Dame Carol Black DBE FRCP FMedSci
Dame Carol Black DBE FRCP FMedSci
Principal of Newnham College, Cambridge University.
Dame Carol Black has held top positions in medicine and now holds high-level policy advisory positions on health and work in the United Kingdom.
Women in healthcare – Women in the British National Health Service
The gender imbalance in the National Health Service is reflected by the facts that 77% of the total workforce is female, while only 7% of female staff are doctors or dentists, ie only 5.4% of total workforce are female doctors or dentists.
41% of Chief Executives are women.
81% of non-medical staff are women.
Alison Wolf and the XX Factor
Alison Margaret Wolf, Baroness Wolf of Dulwich CBE, is a British economist, and the Sir Roy Griffiths Professor of Public Sector Management at King’s College London, see:
In her book “The XX Factor: How Working Women Are Creating A New Society” (Profile Books 2013), Alison Wolf writes that women are split into two groups: one group sacrificing family for rapid professional advancements, while the other group of women opts for having children at a young age, and remain in low level positions. As a result, inequality is growing faster among women than among men, and low status and low paid jobs are predominantly done by women:
97% of secretaries are female
92% of registered nurses are female
89% of nursing, psychiatric and home health aides are female
90% of maids and housekeeping cleaners are female
The fundamentals: what are the essential characteristics of “good employment”?
Good work: is stable and safe, allows individual control, is flexible, gives opportunities, promotes wellbeing, reintegrates sick or disabled people if possible.
Good workplaces: have visible senior leadership and well trained managers, enable staff engagement, empower employees to care for their own health
Good news for medicine, less good news for academic medicine
Generally we have achieved a good situation regarding gender equality in medicine. We have achieved meritocracy, and their are no reports providing evidence for systematic barriers against women’s professional advancement. Both intake and retention for women in medicine is high, and the pay scales are the same.
A study (Royal College of Physicians (RCP) Working Party 2009), investigated the female share of Consultants (= established Senior Medical Professionals in the UK), and showed the ratio of women is highest (38% – 49%) in “more plan-able” and “more people oriented” specializations such as general practice or paediatrics, while women’s share is lowest (8% – 23%) in “more technology oriented” and “more unpredictable” specializations such as anaesthetics or surgical specializations.
There is far less progress in academic medicine, and cultural stereotypes and bias remain, see:
Women’s advance into top leadership positions suffers from “cultural” prejudices, e.g. prejudices that women too kind, too caring, not logical or strong enough, or otherwise unsuited to lead.
Prominent leadership roles for women, Prominent medical leadership
Prominent leadership roles need investment in the “extras”, leads leadership dimension in each speciality, and requires career single-mindedness.
Prominent medical leadership requires investment of time “over and above” the ordinary duties, requires professional “stewardship contributions”.
The top 200 leadership positions will naturally go to those who pursue their career goals with a high degree of single-mindedness.
Women choosing the route towards prominent leadership roles need encouragement and support, they need:
role models
mentors, and
Role models: Prominent women leaders in UK medicine
Una O’Brien, Permanent Secretary, Department of Health
Professor Dame Sally Davies, Chief Medical Officer
Dame Julie Moore, CEO, University Hospitals Birmingham, NHS FT
Claire Murdoch, CEO, Central and NW London NHS Foundation Trust
Professor Jane Dacre, PRC Physicans
Clare Marx CBE, PRC Surgeons
Dr Suzy Lishman, PRC Pathologists
Dr Maureen Baker, Chair, RC General Practitioners
Need to debunk leadership myths
Its important not to fall into the traps of common leadership myths, e.g. that leadership is inborn, that leadership is that of a lone genius, that they must inspire others to follow their vision, the leadership requires formal authority, or that all leaders have common personality features.
We need to avoid similar leadership myths in medicine, e.g. that men naturally make better leaders.
Dame Carol Black: From a shoe-making village in decline to Government Advisor
Dame Carol Black is born in the shoe-making village of Barwell, Leicestershire, went to Grammar School in Market Bosworth, were she became Head Girl, despite her working class background.
Dame Carol Black studied first History, then Medical Social Work and finally Medicine at the University of Bristol, specialized in Rheumatology research, focusing on Scleroderma. Later advanced to Medical Director, Royal Free Hospital, President of the Royal College of Physicians, Chairman of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, Chair of the Nuffield Trust on Health Policy, then advising Government as National Director for Health and Work, and now Principal of Newnham College, Cambridge.
A major step was Dame Carol Black’s advancement to Medical Director of the Royal Free Hospital, since this meant not just responsibility for an institution or a group or a department, but also responsibility for the health of a population.
Leading the Royal College of Physicians
The Royal College of Physicians was founded by Royal Charter by Henry VIII on 23 September 1518 with the aim to promote the highest standards in medicine.
The skills required were: understanding a wide landscape, consensual leadership, standing ground when necessary, negotiating with Whitehall (= British Government) and building trust.
Chairing all the Medical Royal Colleges – The Academy, 2006-2009
Dame Carol Black from 2006-2009 chaired this group of 21 independent organizations. As Chair, Dame Carol Black had no executive powers, needed to lead by persuasion and with consensus.
Advising Government
Dame Carol Black shared several of her experiences advising Government and highest ranking Government officials and Ministers.
Key was to become valuable in the eyes of Government officials by giving independent advice based on scientific evidence, in combination with remaining totally unpolitical.
Dame Carol Black became a champion for the “cause” of health and work, and kept totally out of politics, never revealing any political views or opinion, and wrote three major reports.
The Confidence Code – forget perfection…Striving for perfection can waste women’s time, and hold back the best from reaching the top
Women tend to be held back by striving for perfection, while men tend to take more risks. Striving for perfection can waste women’s time, and hold back the best from reaching the top.
Women in healthcare, Women and careers, women in scientific careers
This UK House of Commons report finds some common traits which hold women back from reaching top leadership positions, including that women may perceive promotions as undesirable, wait until they meet all perceived criteria for promotion while men often take higher risks and may behave more speculatively, and women may think that “political” skills are required to reach the top.
Finally, to reach top leadership positions, we need:
self confidence
risk taking
speaking out
staying motivated after failure
mentors, sponsors, role models
personal values aligned to organisational values
Dame Carol Black DBE FRCP FMedSci: Advancing women in healthcareDame Carol Black DBE FRCP FMedSci: Advancing women in healthcareDame Carol Black DBE FRCP FMedSci, Principal of Newnham College Cambridge, and Professor Kyoko Nomura, Associate professor, Department of Hygiene and Public Health, Teikyo University, School of Medicine
Summary of Dame Carol Black’s keynote written by Gerhard Fasol
Kyoko Nomura: Director, Support Center for women physicians and researchers, Associate professor, Department of Hygiene and Public Health, Teikyo University, School of Medicine, Associate professor, Teikyo School of Public Health
by Kyoko Nomura, MD, MPH, PhD: Director, Support Center for women physicians and researchers, Associate professor, Department of Hygiene and Public Health, Teikyo University, School of Medicine, and Associate professor, Teikyo School of Public Health
In 2016, Japan’s elderly population, aged 65 years or older, comprises 26%, which is one-fourth of total population. By contrast, the younger generation, aged 0-14 years, comprises only 14%. Why so low?
Nowadays, the birth rate in Japan is estimated at 10.3 per 1,000 population, meaning that one woman bears only one child over her lifetime on average. The Japanese Health Ministry estimates that the nation’s total population will fall to 95.2 million by 2050. The aging of Japan is brought about by a combination of low birthrate and longevity.
Now we understand that Japan faces an aging society. Who is going to take care of this quickly growing aging population? Of course, younger people and women! This is the fundamental reason why women are encouraged to work as much as men to support the aging society.
However in Japan, our traditional gender roles that men should work outside and women be good house wives is strongly embedded in our mindset and hard to get rid of.
According to the Gender Gap Index by the World Economic Forum, Japan ranks at 105th near the bottom among 135 countries in terms of gender equality, mainly due to the underrepresentation of women in economic and political leadership.
In the medical area, Japan faces a physician shortage because the number of physicians per 1000 population is 2.2 which is lower than the average of OECD countries, 3.2 per 1000 population. This means, if you reside in a remote area and suppose you have a cancer, it is less likely to find a medical doctor who can treat your cancer in your neighborhood. Hence, Japan needs higher numbers of medical doctors to meet patients’ needs and definitely women medical doctors are expected to work more to take care of patients.
Actually the number of women entering into medicine is increasing and now constitutes 20% of total number of medical doctors. But this value is still low among OECD countries (actually it is lowest) and thus, we need to set up an urgent strategy to improve working conditions for women to work as much as male counterparts and pursue their potentials as well.
Dr. Nomura conducted a surveys of alumnae from 14 medical schools and found that 98% of men worked in full-time positions, but only 70% of women worked in full time positions, and that men work longer hours per week compared to women. In her another survey with colleagues, they also found that many women quit working at the time of life events like marriage and child birth or rearing; the retirement rate from full-time labour was 44% in 5 yrs and rose up to 85% in 10 yrs. To make matters worse, once they switched from full-time to part-time positions, only one third of these people will return to full-time work.
As a consequence, women are underrepresented in medicine. We have 80 medical schools in Japan and each has one dean but there are only 2 women and women constitute only 2.6% of full professors in medicine in Japan, which is far behind of USA (19%) and UK (16%).
Dr. Nomura and her colleagues have recently published an article to the international scientific journal “Surgery” in February 2016 and this epidemiological study based on 8,000 surgeons who are members of the Japan Surgical Society demonstrated that married men earn more than unmarried women after adjusting for covariates including working hours; as the number of children increases, annual income increases only for men but decreases for women.
In another study, she also demonstrated that the length of weekly domestic working hours is much longer for unmarried women than for married men and men do not work at home even if they have children (the average household working hours for men is only 3 hours per week).
These findings suggest that Japan’s stereotypical gender role, where men should work outside and women should be housewives still prevails even among highly qualified professionals like medical doctors.
One of the top scientific journal “Nature” recently published a special issue called “women in science”. This article states that Science remains institutionally sexist. Despite some progress, women scientists are still paid less, promoted less frequently, win fewer grants and are more likely to leave research than similarly qualified men.
Dr. Nomura has launched a women support center at her University in 2014 and provides various kinds of support to women researchers and physicians including
to provide a nursery for children including sick children
to provide social support like mentorship
to provide various seminars and workshops on research skills
to promote gender equality campaigns
With these efforts, Teikyo University has successfully increased the numbers and percentages of women faculty members. Dr. Nomura concluded by saying “in order to support women, environmental support at the workplace is not enough, but a combination of workplace support with educational intervention and career development works very well.”
Kyoko Nomura: Director, Support Center for women physicians and researchers, Associate professor, Department of Hygiene and Public Health, Teikyo University, School of Medicine, Associate professor, Teikyo School of Public HealthLudwig Boltzmann Forum on Women’s development and leadershipLudwig Boltzmann Forum on Women’s development and leadership
Kyoko Nomura, Teikyo University, Profile
MD, Teikyo University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan, April 1987-March 1993
Master of Public Health: Quantitative Methods, Harvard School of Public Health, MA02115, USA, June 2001-June 2002
PhD: Dep. of Hygiene and Public Health, Teikyo University School of Medicine , April 1999-March 2003
Current position:
Associate professor of Dep. of Hygiene and Public Health and Teikyo University School of Medicine, and Teikyo School of Public Health
Director of Teikyo Support Center for women physicians and researchers
Location: Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo (Satsuki Conference Room), Sekiguchi 2-10-8, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-8680, Japan
9:00-9:20 Gerhard Fasol CEO, Eurotechnology Japan KK, Board Director, GMO Cloud KK. former faculty Cambridge University, and Trinity College, and Tokyo University
9:20-9:40 Dame Carol Black DBE FRCP FMedSci is Principal of Newnham College, Cambridge University. She has held top positions in medicine and now holds high-level policy advisory positions on health and work in the United Kingdom
Gerhard Fasol CEO , Eurotechnology Japan KK, Board Director, GMO Cloud KK., former faculty Cambridge University and past Fellow, Trinity College Cambridge
Dame Carol Black DBE FRCP FMedSci Principal of Newnham College, Cambridge University. She has held top positions in medicine and now holds high-level policy advisory positions on health and work in the United Kingdom
Kyoko Nomura Director, Support Center for women physicians and researchers, Associate professor, Department of Hygiene and Public Health, Teikyo University, School of Medicine, Associate professor, Teikyo School of Public Health
Kiyoko Kato Professor, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University
Ludwig Boltzmann Forum on Women’s development and leadershipLudwig Boltzmann Forum on Women’s development and leadershipLudwig Boltzmann Forum on Women’s development and leadershipLudwig Boltzmann Forum on Women’s development and leadershipLudwig Boltzmann Forum on Women’s development and leadershipLudwig Boltzmann Forum on Women’s development and leadershipLudwig Boltzmann Forum on Women’s development and leadershipLudwig Boltzmann Forum on Women’s development and leadershipLudwig Boltzmann Forum on Women’s development and leadershipLudwig Boltzmann Forum on Women’s development and leadershipLudwig Boltzmann Forum on Women’s development and leadershipLudwig Boltzmann Forum on Women’s development and leadershipLudwig Boltzmann Forum on Women’s development and leadershipLudwig Boltzmann Forum on Women’s development and leadershipLudwig Boltzmann Forum on Women’s development and leadership
The current state of female doctors in Japanese Obstetrics and Gynecology
Kiyoko Kato
keynote given at the Ludwig Boltzmann Forum on women’s development and leadership, Tokyo, Monday 16 May 2016
by: Kiyoko Kato, Professor Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics Graduate School of Medical Sciences Kyushu University
(Summary of Professor Kiyoko Kato’s keynote written by Gerhard Fasol)
Improving medical care in obstetrics and gynecology requires gender equality – higher numbers and higher retention of women medical doctors
18% of medical doctors in Japan in 2008 are female, 82% are male. Back in 1976 only about 10% of medical doctors were female
Medical school: in 1976 about 13% of medical students were women, this ratio increased up to about 35% peaking around the year 2000, and subsequently decreases slowly to around 32% in 2008.
Thus the ratio of women medical doctors are slowly increasing in Japan.
The M-curve
About 90% medical doctors enter employment after graduation, remain employed at that level until about 35 years after graduation, when employment ratios slowly decrease due to retirement.
For women medical doctors, the employment ratio curve is M-shaped, with a minimum at about 76% employment approximately 11 years after graduation, at an age around 36 years, after this minimum many women medical doctors enter employment again, reaching similar employment ratio’s as men about 35 years after graduation.
62% of women medical doctors leaving their employment do this because of pregnancy, child birth or child care (80% in case of women younger than 45 years age).
Obstetrics and gynecology medical doctors older than 40 years are predominantly men, while doctors younger than 40 years are predominantly women
For medical doctors aged 40 years and over, obstetrics and gynecology specialists are predominantly men: women obstetricians and gynecology make up less than 10% of doctors at higher ages.
This ratio is reversed for obstetricians and gynecologists younger than 40 years of age: women outnumber male doctors, below 30 years age, women doctors outnumber men nearly by a factor of 2.
There is a clear trend: older medical doctors in the obstetrics and gynecology field are predominantly male, while below the age of 40 years, women dominate by an increasing ratio.
Kyushu University Hospital: Professor Kiyoko Kato is the one and only woman Full Professor of Medicine
Kyushu University has 135 female doctors, and 81.5% are on part-time contracts, only 18.5% have full time employment.
Ratio of women at different levels of the career pyramid:
Part-time intern doctors: 36.3% are women
Part-time doctors: 30.1% are women
Full-time doctors: 8.6% are women
Assistant Professors: 22 women vs 187 men (11.8% are women)
Lecturers: 1 single woman vs 48 men (2%)
Associate Professors: 1 single woman vs 31 men (3%)
Full Professors: 1 single woman vs 24 men = Professor Kiyoko Kato (4%)
Only one single woman has achieved promotion into each of the higher ranks of Lecturer, Associate Professor and Full Professor, indicating that any women at all in these higher academic medical Professor ranks are rare exceptions rather than the rule (no mention here of still higher ranks, such as Hospital Directors, Deans, Heads of Department, or University President).
Professor Kiyoko Kato then explained her own career, where she spent time studying in the USA, gave birth to her first child in the USA, and then to her second child after returning to Japan. She had to cope with several challenges, e.g where one of the hospitals she worked was shut down. Finally Professor Kiyoko Kato was appointed Full Professor at Kyushu University Medical School.
Professor Kiyoko Kato proposes that three issues need to be solved:
improve the work environment during pregnancy and child bearing
re-integration assistance: re-education and support after leave of absence
remove obstacles to career improvements
Improve the work environment during pregnancy and child bearing: the “Kyushu University Perinatal period cradle net project” 「周産期ゆりかごネットプロジェクト」
With support from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Kyushu University created the “Kyushu University Perinatal period cradle net project” (2013 – 2017). In Japanese 「周産期ゆりかごネットプロジェクト」, the website is here: http://www.med.kyushu-u.ac.jp/yurikago/
and an overview of the project can be found here: http://www.med.kyushu-u.ac.jp/yurikago/data.html
As the websites show, the “Kyushu University Perinatal period cradle net project” is carefully designed, structured and provides a depth of support for women medical doctors to give birth and pursue their career. Women doctors are given part-time positions in the out patient department after returning from leaves of absence.
So far seven women doctors have taken advantage of this program, and several have been assisted to return to full or part-time employment, two are still absent because of a second pregnancy. Part-time work in the outpatient department assisted them to return back to full time employment. Experiencing the hospital as a patient during birth also provided valuable experience.
Re-integration assistance: re-education and support after leave of absence. The Kyushu University Kirameki Project.
To support re-integration after absence, Kyushu University created the “Kirameki Project” (Kirameki = glitter, shine). The Kirameki Projekt is described on the website here: https://www.kyudai-kirameki.com/
2007-2009 the Kirameki Project helped female medical workers, female doctors, dentists and nurses to re-integrate after leave of absence.
From 2010 the program (“Kyushu University Hospital Kirameki Project”) was expanded to support continuation of the career for doctors, dental doctors, nurses for both men and women, because of delivery, child care, or disease / medical leave.
The aims of the project are to promote women doctors, dentists, and nurses who would have to resign their positions due to family reasons including marriage, children, husband’s job transfer etc, and to help them pursue their career after marriage.
Activities of the Kirameki Project are:
survey the problems of women doctors, dentists and nurses after marriage
recruit qualified but “hibernating” female medical personnel
learning programs
promote “high spirits”, encourage
on the job training in the out-patient department
Structured programs of the Kirameki Project:
Administrative: refresher program
Reestablishment: getting back to work program
Suspension/leave: web based education
Medical specialist: continuing specialist medical education
Marriage, child-care: continuing education
Residents, newcomer nurses: basic training
Students: gender equality education
Remove obstacles to career improvements
Assist women researchers after child birth and during child rearing: support attending international conferences, support system for hiring research assistants and technicians for research support.
Construct a support system:
Return support after child-care leave: day nursery, team medical care including emergency mutual help system, flexible working time, e.g. 9-5 work day
Improvement of career: system of supporting female researchers during child bearing and child rearing, grants for female researchers to support technicians
Professor Kiyoko Kato’s wishes and expectations for female doctors
responsibility and awareness
gratitude to all who helped
contribution to medical progress
Ludwig Boltzmann Forum on Women’s development and leadershipLudwig Boltzmann Forum on Women’s development and leadershipLudwig Boltzmann Forum on Women’s development and leadershipLudwig Boltzmann Forum on Women’s development and leadershipLudwig Boltzmann Forum on Women’s development and leadership
(Summary of Professor Kiyoko Kato’s keynote written by Gerhard Fasol)
Ludwig Boltzmann Forum on Women’s development and leadership – workshop objective
Gerhard Fasol
keynote given at the Ludwig Boltzmann Forum on women’s development and leadership, Tokyo, 16 May 2016
by Gerhard Fasol PhD CEO, Eurotechnology Japan KK, Board Director, GMO Cloud KK. former faculty Cambridge University, and Trinity College, and Tokyo University
Gerhard Fasol
Objectives for the Ludwig Boltzmann Forum on Women’s Development and Leadership
There are two immediate objectives for the Ludwig Boltzmann Forum on Women’s Development and Leadership:
empower women leaders with global leverage
lets change mind sets
I am building the Ludwig Boltzmann Forum as global leadership platform honoring my great-grandfather, and the Ludwig Boltzmann Forum on Women’s Development and Leadership is part if this initiative:
drive innovation based on science and technology
“there is no other forum for open discussions among leaders in Japan other than the Ludwig Boltzmann Forum” (said one of Japan’s top technology leaders, former Board Director of Japan’s largest Telecommunications Operator, former President of a large University, and former President of one of Japan’s most important technology organizations)
and as an additional bonus we will create new cooperations and new initiatives.
Japanese women leaders forum – my actions so far
Several confidential preparations with Japanese Ministry officials and foreign Embassies in Japan.
One key conclusion from preparations: top priority and most difficult is to change mindsets in Japan regarding empowering women and gender issues
Next step is today’s (16 May 2016) “Ludwig Boltzmann Forum on Women’s development and leadership”.
How to change mindsets? Expand the solution space and add new dimensions!
The basic issues, empowering women and men to combine child care and professional development, work towards greater equality and improving decision making by implementing diversity of decision makers are similar all over the world, especially in Europe and Japan.
Learning solutions from each other, expands the dimensionality of the solution space.
When we are looking for solutions to solve difficult problems, our search for solutions is limited by our experience, knowledge and imagination. Our search for solutions is in space of limited dimensionality. In many cases solutions exist outside the space we are considering.
Therefore to reach better solutions, its necessary to expand this solution space. Looking how other countries solve similar problems is one straight forward way to expand the dimensionality of the solution space, and that is where the Ludwig Boltzmann Forum aims to contribute.
As an example, many people in Japan do not know that most European countries have a Family Ministry (家族省), which represents Families at the Cabinet level. In fact, most Japanese people I have been discussing this issue with are perplexed by the possibility of a Family Ministry (家族省), and usually in response ask, what the tasks of a Family Ministry would be.
If your country does not have a Family Ministry, if you have never heard about a Family Ministry, its difficult to come up with the proposal to create a Family Ministry, and its difficult to imagine what a Family Ministry should do.
At the same time, in today’s internet age, its in theory only a click away to have a look at a Family Ministry: here is the webpage of Austria’s Family Ministry: Das Österreichische “Bundesministerium für Familien und Jugend” (The Austrian Federal Ministry for families and youth, オーストリア連邦家族・青年省)
And here is the current Austrian Minister for Family and Youth, Dr. Sophie Karmasin. 49 years old, with two children, Dr Sophie Karmasin has achieved a Doctorate in Psychology on “consumer behavior in the health market”, from 1993 to 2013, for 13 years she has pursued a very successful career in industry, most recently as Managing Director/CEO of a major market research company, before becoming party independent Minister of Family and Youth. She is not affiliated with any political party, but independent politician since 2013.
Expanding the solution space: wouldn’t it be better to have at least one woman on a committee promoting women’s empowerment?
Compare Family and Youth Minister Dr Sophie Karmasin with the almost all-male “woman act.” committee promoting women’s equality in Japan’s Kanagawa Prefecture, wouldn’t it be better to have more women on the committee promoting women in leadership? But unless you are familiar on how this is done in other countries, your solution space is limited to what you know.
Why did today’s Ludwig Boltzmann Forum on Women’s development and leadership happen? Because of Trinity College Cambridge
At a recent event of Trinity College Cambridge in Hong Kong, I met with Dame Carol Black, and our meeting led to today’s Forum.
Trinity College was founded By King Henry VIII in 1546 by combining the two older colleges King’s Hall and Michael House and seven Hostels. Sir Isaac Newton worked at Trinity College and about 32 Nobel Prize winners are or were members of Trinity College. Trinity College is part of the University of Cambridge
More about Trinity College Cambridge, for example on the website of our Trinity in Japan Society.
Why Ludwig Boltzmann Forum? Who is Ludwig Boltzmann?
Ludwig Boltzmann is one of the world’s most important physicists and we use his results and tools every day. Here are some examples of his work:
S = k log W, linking macroscopic entropy to the microscopic statistics of molecules, and linking statistical mechanics with measuring information, and the arrow of time
the Stefan-Boltzmann radiation law
Boltzmann transport equations are used to design jet engines and aircraft and in semiconductor physics and many other areas
philosophy of nature
and much much more….
I am developing the Ludwig Boltzmann Forum a global leadership platform in honor of my great-grandfather.
Ludwig Boltzmann and women’s development and leadership
1872 Ludwig Boltzmann met Henriette von Aigentler (my great-grandmother), who was refused permission to unofficially audit lectures at Graz University, where Ludwig Boltzmann later became University President. Ludwig Boltzmann advised her to appeal, in 1874 Henriette passed the exam as high-school teacher, and on 17 July 1876, Ludwig Boltzmann and Henriette von Aigentler married.
One of Ludwig Boltzmann’s students is Lise Meitner (November 1878 – 27 October 1968). She was only the second woman to be awarded a PhD in Physics from the University of Vienna. Later she was part of the team that discovered nuclear fission, Otto Hahn was awarded the Nobel Prize for this work. Element No. 109, Meitnerium, is named after Lise Meitner.
Ludwig Boltzmann Forum on Women’s development and leadership – outlook and next steps
Lets build the Ludwig Boltzmann Forum on women’s development and leadership together
Lets empower women leaders
Lets change mind sets
Lets build the Ludwig Boltzmann Forum into a global leadership platform based on science and logic
lets expand the solution space for important problems, and work towards implementing these solutions
Ludwig Boltzmann Forum on Women’s development and leadershipLudwig Boltzmann Forum on Women’s development and leadershipLudwig Boltzmann Forum on Women’s development and leadershipLudwig Boltzmann Forum on Women’s development and leadership
Thursday 18 February 2016, Embassy of Austria in Tokyo
Dr Bernhard Zimburg (Ambassador of Austria to Japan), Her Imperial Highness, The Princess Takamado, Gerhard Fasol (from left to right)
14:00-14:10 Dr. Bernhard Zimburg (Ambassador of Austria to Japan) Welcome address
14:10-14:30 Gerhard Fasol (CEO , Eurotechnology Japan KK, Board Director, GMO Cloud KK. former faculty Cambridge University and past Fellow, Trinity College Cambridge) Ludwig Boltzmann
16:10-16:40 Gerhard Fasol (CEO , Eurotechnology Japan KK, Board Director, GMO Cloud KK. former faculty Cambridge University and past Fellow, Trinity College Cambridge) Entropy and information and Ludwig Boltzmann
16:50-17:20 Kyoko Nomura (Director, Support Center for women physicians and researchers, Associate professor, Department of Hygiene and Public Health, Teikyo University, School of Medicine, Associate professor, Teikyo School of Public Health) Gender inequality in Japan: a case report of women doctors
Gerhard Fasol
CEO , Eurotechnology Japan KK,
Board Director, GMO Cloud KK.
former faculty Cambridge University and
past Fellow, Trinity College Cambridge
Michinari Hamaguchi
President, Japan Science and Technology Agency and
President emeritus, Nagoya University
Michinari Hamaguchi President, Japan Science and Technology Agency and President emeritus, Nagoya University
Gerhard Fasol: Entropy and information and Ludwig Boltzmann
Gerhard Fasol
CEO , Eurotechnology Japan KK,
Board Director, GMO Cloud KK.
former faculty Cambridge University and
past Fellow, Trinity College Cambridge
Kyoko Nomura
Director, Support Center for women physicians and researchers,
Associate professor, Department of Hygiene and Public Health, Teikyo University, School of Medicine,
Associate professor, Teikyo School of Public Health
Kyoko Nomura Director, Support Center for women physicians and researchers, Associate professor, Department of Hygiene and Public Health, Teikyo University, School of Medicine, Associate professor, Teikyo School of Public Health
Makoto Suematsu
President, Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development AMED
Makoto Suematsu President, Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development AMED 8th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, Tokyo 18 February 20168th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, Tokyo 18 February 20168th Ludwig Boltzmann Forum, Tokyo 18 February 2016